Episode 14

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I saw Diana running into the operating room with a bag of blood
" what's going on " I said
" the presidents daughter, we are in trouble" she said
" what-
She took a deep breath
" doctor tony scheduled surgery, he is nowhere to be found" she said and my mouth fell open
" what. Alison!!" I said
" yes. She is just a kid. Imagine the presidents daughter dying in our hospital while waiting for surgery. We would never escape the problem . We are doomed" she said
" have you called doctor Tim" I said
" you know he is not that skilled, he would kill her.he said he can't operate on someone else patient " she said
" so"
" Ryan is our only hope right now. He didn't take his calls , I don't know if he would show up. we have less than one our before this surgery becomes impossible " she said

" calm down. Everything would be fine" I said

" Ryan please, please - I beg you in the name of whatever you love, come and help us please. If Anna was here we can't be in this kind of mess" Diana breathed Almost in tears as she called Ryan again but he did not pick

She gave me Anna's key card then she rushed out with the blood

🚺 reporters are outside, aghc has been surrounded. It's gonna be massive
🚺we can never be put to shame , Alisons surgery will be a success today

The whole hospital was upside down. Some major share holders sat up, watching the surgery room from the glass wall.

The presidents family sat quietly praying. They watched from the glass wall

Diana and other staffs in the room pretended to be busy while buying time, they didn't want anyone to notice that there was no doctor but they looked so scared and shakey

God, doc Tony what are you doing

🚺I think Ryan just arrived, a doctor walked into the operating room

I rushed up the stairs and a lot of nurses where rushing too. In fact almost all the hospital wanted to watch his surgery

More share holders came In and sat down. Where is Ryan

Finally he walked into the room, I couldn't see him well. The crowd was much and who is pushing me

" her record" Ryan said and Diana handed him a file. We could hear because of the audio settings in the room which was being used.

His voice is so sexy , it's not loud. More like he is speaking under his voice.

I blushed happily dancing.

Ryan sat down , he read the file quietly. I was struggling to see him  well, at least his face, but impossible.

" sir, we have less than 40 minutes. " Diana said
" get her complete record, she had 3 surgeries- why did you leave details out" he said
" sorry sir" Diana said then ran away

It seems Ryan is a bit strict in real life. I smiled.

Diana ran off then came back with the file

🚺when would he read all these
🚺there is no time I am so scared

We watched Ryan read all the files carefully, people enjoyed watching him read. He is that celebrated.

Everybody in the room was shaking in fear, only him was calm. Finally he was done, Diana checked their time -

" 30 mins to go" she said

He got ready for surgery. People videod his surgery from every corner.

Oh I finally saw his face, why is it now that he is wearing a mask.

He looked at his team

"  I won't stay here for more than 15mins" he said
"Yes sir" they said then switched positions, the most competent nurses and assistants came closer.

I can't wait to be in his surgery one day, they looked so good in their surgery uniform, I can't wait to wear it one day ☺️

" scalpel " he said
Diana gave it to him and he carefully cut the area open.

God he was so fast watching his surgery gave goose bumps.  

" Diana blood  " he said and when I looked he was almost done

" vascular clamps " he said and A guy  gave him.

" thank you" he said and everyone out here screamed loudly, clapping.

Diana and the other doctors exhaled deeply? They where so happy , some of them fainted on the chair

🚺working with him just makes you sharper, faster and you learn a lot. you are so lucky Clara

Some nurses  I don't know said and hugged me from behind, others tapping my back. I smiled.

Ryan removed the gloves then he washed his hands.

" check patient by 8:am tomorrow" Diana said and the share holders clapped unconsciously

🚺wow they still have 15 mins left
🚺omg, he is really the God of surgery

He removed his face mask while walking out of the room , through the back door... he doesn't like the spotlight, he hates being seen or noticed. I wonder why. Guards followed him

Doctor Tim  walked out then told the reporters the surgery was a success, boasting as if he did it himself.

Everyone cleared out so I walked down slowly, I looked at my neck and I remembered Anna


I ran off to her room
Anna was on her bed. It's obvious there is no change. I felt really bad as I sat beside her.

" miss anna" I said then I waited for her to at least open her eyes or move her finger. Nothing happened. I wiped my tears. It's fine Anna , you will be fine.

I looked up and that was when I noticed the drip was different. Why do they keep doing this.

I removed it then I threw it out the window. I took another pure drip then hanged it up. I was about hanging it well when the door shaked. My heart fell into my stomach.

What do I do, I tried sneaking under the bed but it was loaded. What do I do now. I carefully wore my face mask.

Just then the door opened and Daniella walked in.

" nurse d" she said
I bowed to her then I hastily walked out of the room, she held my hand
" but nurse d always wears her wedding ring. Who are you" she said
I pushed her then I ran away
" Tim stop her. It's the drip changer. Call guards. She tried to kill Anna" Daniella shouted

I ran off as fast as I could, doctor Tim and like 20 guards ran after me.

Tears filled my eyes. Who would save me now. I never tried to kill Anna why did she say that. If they catch me I would be killed, my mum too. God please

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