Episode 35

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I and Clara searched the store room over and over again. No nothing
We decided to search the store of all the divisions
No health record
Claras face was now so teary

" don't give up yet. Let's search the general store" I said
" sir Ryan already scheduled surgery " she said
" whaaaaat!!!" I screamed
"That's-" she wiped her tears
" why didn't you tell him about the health record's " I said
"I didn't want him to worry, I really thought I could find it" she said
"Come on. Let's keep searching"I said and we rushed out.


What a hopeless search. What will sir Ryan do now, will he blame me for not telling him

I and Louisa sat facing each other at the bar. We grilled our meat ourselves and the alcohol was giving. It's obvious Louisa wants to get drunk on her birthday, she needed company.

I mixed up the meat and started grilling

"Why aren't you happy on your birthday " I asked
She smiled
"My boyfriend cheated on me " she said then Drank from the bottle
"I just ruined sir Ryan's life " I lifted my own bottle and emptied it
"He didn't even make up an excuse, he was obviously tired of me" she said and drank
"Sorry. I am here with you" I said
" whatever, unto the next one" she said
We both hit our bottle then we drank
" sir ryan. Why not tell him you like him" she said and my eye widened
" what! Like who" I said eating my meat
She smiled
"You are so obvious tho. I wonder why he hasn't noticed, you are pretty possessive of him" she said
" what's the need" I said then I emptied my glass" sir Ryan has a girlfriend, she is rich and pretty. It's not possible for him to even look At me " I said
We both laughed
" cheers to hopelessness" she said and we hit our glass then we drank laughing
" but...I must say you really brave tho. Falling for Ryan dervantes, I can't even imagine taking that risk. " she said and i laughed
" risk really " I said
" of course. Looking so hot , Is he even capable of love. Women won't even let him know what love is. God!" she said and I laughed
" you are crazy " I said and we just laughed
" but jokes apart. I pity the girlfriend.There is no way that guy is faithful. " she said

" he is tho " I said

" Thats impossible. Looking like that, he wouldn't be chanced to learn what faithfulness means. He is not just handsome he is way too sexy, the moment you see him you just want to fuck him.  Guys like that, they always loose their  virginity at 14  with an older girl. Not to talk of Ryan who grew up alone, he probably started doing it when he was 12" she said

I laughed

"Handsome men go through a lot  in the hands of women I am telling you. Women spoil them then later cry that they are unfaithful. If I have a male child who is too fine , I would protect him from my gender. Home school , home university, no girlfriend " she said and I laughed so much

"Enough of Ryan. Worst break up. Go first" she said I laughed

" I have never been in a relationship before. " I said , tho I was a bit embarrassed. she was shocked

" what!" She screamed I laughed

" no one ever liked me or came after me seriously tho. Maybe because I don't know how to be hot and all sexy " I said and she laughed

"There was a time I wanted to have a boyfriend too. I even put on make up but people just laughed at me " I said and she laughed so much she almost fell

" so sir Ryan is literally your first love"she said I smiled then nodded

" he was the first time I actually liked someone. I liked him just by hearing his name, am not surprised that I couldn't stop myself from falling in love when I actually met him. But that's enough. I am going to stop now " I said then drank

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