Episode 22

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What a stressful and busy day. I showered at home ate then I headed off to aghc.

Anna's dad really tightened security. I walked in then I kissed her forehead as she slept peacefully. I took her hand

" Anna I am really sorry for not finding out sooner that you where in so much danger."
I brushed her hair behind then I sat before her. I really wanted to see you awake before I leave but then, I already postponed this trip too much. I can't anymore. I guess I will only see you when I get back" I said , my fingers gently massaging her hair.

" I love you" I breathed then I kissed her forehead deeply. She smiled and my eyes widened.

Omg, I can't believe this. I instantly hugged her tight, she chuckled softly Then she spoke.

Her voice was slow and weak

" so.... won't you kiss me" she said and I laughed. She smiled exposing her beautifully set teeth

" how can your first words he so naughty " I said

She smiled

" kiss me" she complained

I pecked her lips then I kissed her deeply , she smiled as she kissed me back

" can you move " I said

" hardly. Even opening my eyes was so hard, I just.. wanted to see you" she said

" thank you" I breathed then I hugged her again. She smiled.


" come on" I whispered then I watched him move into the bed . I smiled as he lay beside me.
" come closer" I whispered
" am scared" he said , I smiled and he smiled sweetly as he moved closer to me, finally moving into my arms, how he carefully avoided the drip made me laugh.

"I missed you so much " I breathed. He kissed my cheeks

" I missed you too" he said then relaxed weakly in my arms.

I smiled , Ryan is one of the reasons I can't die. If something happens to me, he won't survive it. He has no one else.

We where quiet in that position but I know he wasn't yet asleep

" Ryan ....you still love me right" I said
He smiled  
" Thats all  I know how to do " he said I smiled happily
" am waiting for you right here.. hurry and come back to me " I said
He nodded then slept off easily? I smiled , I missed watching him sleep off like a baby.


Early the next morning He opened his eyes to my open eyes then he smiled
" who is this hot guy " I said gently caressing his cheeks. he smiled
" well.." he rolled his eyes " someone's man?" he said and I laughed so much
" who" I said
" u don't know her " he said making me laugh.

I kissed him deeply and he kissed me back, gently moving further into my arms. we kissed passionately for a long time. In hiding cause nurse dell would scream that I was being stressed.

finally I gently unlocked in a smile then I kissed his forehead my fingers in his hair.

" I love you " I said
" I love you more but I Gotta go. I would call you once I get there " he said
I nodded but hugged him instead of letting him go.
" be careful okay. And always take your drugs" I said he nodded
" don't over work yourself Ryan. And don't skip your meals. If you do we would have issues" I said gently stroking his hair. He chuckled then he nodded sweetly.

Finally I let him move out , he kissed my forehead before leaving.

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