Episode 26

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finally we arrived. Wow this hospital is as big as an estate.  Ryan walked in front so I just ran behind him.

They had a lot of nurses they all just behaved as if they saw a member of bts. Pinching each other, and pointing at him while blushing uncontrollably. They tried their best not to be loud but they where still so noisy so annoying.

🚺omg he is so fineeeeee.... it's my first time seeing him
🚺I told you
🚺omg hold me, I am fainting

Ryan met up with a man who was about leaving.

🚺it's supposed to be illegal to look this hot, his height😫
🚺his body🥺
🚺skin tone 😩
🚺facial features - Jesus 😭
🚺 and to top it all his walking step and personality is so sexy.

All their eyes and phones on him till he entered the office. then they looked at me like a mad woman.

I was left there in the middle of the hospital, I got so embarrassed so I started arranging my hair. They nurses pointed at me laughing

🚺 I think the news is true. You know, that he mistakenly chose the most useless nurse in aghc.

I heard this and it felt like a stab in my heart

🚺why didn't he reject her immediately, she looks like a mad woman she might infect him

🚺she is so dirty

🚺eeeeww I feel like throwing up. What is she wearing

🚺look at her legs😂😂😂

🚺did she shower, what is smelling

🚺 why didn't they find a classy nurse for him, God my dear oppa has seen something

I got so embarrassed I couldn't even move my legs anymore. They all laughed loudly pointing at me. Even male nurses laughed as they passed me by.

I hastily wiped my tears. I gently sat down on the chair there.

" ma'am that's his nurse. It was posted in the group chat that he mistakenly chose the most useless nurse in aghc😂😂😂" a girl who looked younger than me said to another girl who looked my age , while clinging onto her arms. She just walked out now.

She looked more expensive than all of them joined together and her nurse uniform was so fine. She was also very beautiful and classy with amazing hair.

I think maybe she is a rich kid doing her internship at this hospital and judging from the way other nurse worshipped her, she must be a rich share holders child. We have a lot of them at aghc.

" also ma'am we heard sir Ryan rejected her, he hates her so much but she forced herself to follow him here, that's why he is ignoring her. I mean, his hand nurse is supposed to be beside him at all times, look where he left her😂😂

I couldn't handle it anymore so I stood up to leave , but that rich kid walked up to me

" you seem lost, the psychiatric section is at the other side" she said and all the nurse laughed loudly

" well I  am not. I came with sir Ryan" I said and she laughed softly

" are you crazy or blind. He is obviously irritated by you, he doesn't want you. don't you know what a hand nurse means, you should be at his right hand , not left at the door. " she said and I wiped my tears.

I felt pain because I knew what she said is true. Ryan doesn't actually want me

" we have more than enough nurses here to help Ryan. If you have a little pride then just leave. Let him breath" she said

🚺it's so obvious, does she need to be told. Only God knows how frustrated he is with her

🚺literally forcing herself on him .. knowing he is so kind he can't send her away.

🚺oh my kind oppa

🚺aghc must be so daft. How could they do this to sir Ryan because of that nonsense merger. He is third generation , couldn't they find a third generation nurse for him, someone in the same class with Samantha. How could they send a commoner to him
🚺 if he gets infected what would they say
🚺my oppa who has never been close with commoners before
🚺a useless and unintelligent commoner at that

My tears fell and I wiped them, why are they so mean to me. Why are people always so mean to me. My tears started falling uncontrollably so I ran away, I didn't want to cry there.

They all laughed

I got halfway when my phone rang , it was Ryan. I stooped then I turned, I looked up and there he was. I wiped my tears. He signaled me to put the phone on my ear so I did.

" will you leave me here" he said and all the nurse screamed touching each other in shock. That rich girl looked shocked

I wiped my tears

" we came together. So why are you leaving without me" he asked me. I looked around, is it really me he is talking too.

" sir are you..

" wait for me Clara , let's go together " he said , I watched him drop his phone

All the nurses screamed loudly . Some even Laughing at the rich girl. Some clapping. Ryan left that place .

I was still in shock

Ryan walked down. He got  close to me then he just took my hand.

" let's go" he said then  dragged me out. I just kept looking at his face. My angel😭

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