Episode 28

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I checked my time and it was 11:40. I wonder where Ryan went with that dirty girl. What is holding him now?

He always avoided anything that would make his dad get involved with him ,  he hates it.

once it's 12 these busy bodied men would surely call his dad.

My dad is the highest share holder in this hospital , so it's like ours. I am not even supposed to be here, I am supposed to be in the states but I came back when I heard Ryan was going to come here, not a only me, a lot of of nurses, some shareholders brought their kids to intern here too. It's not easy to be in the same space with a surgeon as talented as him, there is a lot to learn.  And many people do not know what he looks like, they wanna see him

A lot of doctors and nurses dream to learn from him, to work with him. Just him coming here we accepted up to 50 new intern doctors, we rejected so many.

I had a crush on him right from when I interned at his hospital in New York. At 18.

There where a lot of competent doctors so he only showed up when it's difficult surgery.

In a year, we see him like 3 -4 times in the hospital. Then he goes up to his office and he hardly steps down

My dad  being his dads friend pleaded him to always take me to surgery and sent him my picture.

I thought he won't agree Cause he is so cold but surprisingly whenever he had surgery, his assistant would call me and I was so happy. 

Even tho he never spoke to me unless it was a task or question , that was how I started liking him. Tho I am sure he never saw me as a woman.

I looked around , all the departmental heads where arriving , the meeting room was getting filled up. Where is Ryan then , God!

Finally, their almighty Ryan fell right into my trap. Everyone worships him, other doctors are not noticed no matter how much efforts we put in.
They call him God of surgery
Saying he never makes mistakes
Everyday, all I hear is , can't you be like Ryan, and to think that we went to the same school, but he never noticed me  , always been proud and arrogant.
I have set different traps for Ryan but he escaped them all. Am going to make sure he doesn't escape this one.
This time around, I am going to ruin his reputation and give him  the biggest stain of his life.
Obviously he is a surgeon so he would go for the surgery section, and that is where I planted his doom.
I left 20 patients awaiting surgery for him😂🤣 , tho we only recorded 10.
That's my division so no one knows what happens in there, this hospital is so big.
All my junior / senior doctors are under my control.
The good part is that I already tampered with half of them, 90% are as good as dead. They would all die in Ryan's hands, anyone he cuts  open  would die.
I will ruin Ryan's carrier and bring him down to square one.

I and Clara walked in. Everyone was already sitting. I apologized for my delay then the meeting started

" so Ryan , which division of the hospital would you like to focus on. I believe you already did your research before coming/ the portfolio was also delivered to you house. As you can see this hospital is really big and right now we are tackling a heavy malaria breakout / the flu.
So a lot of our divisions are really busy which is why we asked for help" the director said

I can't believe I didn't even research on anything, but isn't that the work of a good assistant anyways.

Mine is just a she devil. 

" Ryan ?" He called out to me

" well....

" sir, we didn't have enough time to complete our research because of our haste, but it was collected that 10 patients  are awaiting surgery, the malaria section has less bed patients but more than 50 walk ins daily, the flu section has 40 bed patients, then the psychiatric section is not that chaotic at the moment but another division in need of urgent help is the kids  and the elderly" Clara said and my eyes widened in shock.

When?  I hid my smile, she made me proud

" so Ryan , where do you think you want to focus on" he said

" he is a surgeon. I think he should concentrate on his specialty. We would assign more expert nurses to his team. Samantha , you can take care of that right" the manager said

" yes sir" she replied

" what do you think" the director said

"Ok. So where do I sign" I said.
Normally I should look at my patients and their health records before signing this. It's really risky  cause I would be responsible for anything that happens there. But on another hand, I think they are very genuine and transparent people.

Samantha passed the file to me but Clara took it . I looked at her

" he can't sign until he goes through the division himself" Clara said and my eye widened.

Waaaat!!! Wait who is this. Is this Clara?

" are you trying to call us lairs " doctor Steven said

" maybe " Clara said in a calm low tone.

I smiled then looked down.

They all scoffed and looked at each other 


I just kept calm without saying a word , letting her defend me. God knows this was exactly what I wanted from my nurse. Being so tired this period , I wanted someone else as my voice, my strength

" sir, you have more than 10 surgeons in this hospital, so how come there are 10 patients awaiting emergency surgery. Is this a trap,did you keep people to die in his hands " Clara said

" no. We did no such thing my dear. " the director said

" then there is no need for the rush. " Clara said then slipped the file into her bag. "Sir Ryan would carry out his personal research, after that he would decide if he really wants to work in the surgery division and only after then would he sign these files. " she said

" how can a nurse be so rude, I need to call mr dervantes" the manager said. Picking his phone. 

"Sure sir. I mean I have been trying to call mr dervantes all day but it's not going through. I need to tell him what is going on here and how, his only son, omg!" Clara exclaimed dramatically, covering her mouth with her hand.

" ok . Let's do what you said" the director said . She smiled

"Yes, that is the right thing" the manager said

" his nurse is right. Good work" one man said

" she is right"  one top doctor said

" Samantha what do you think " the manager said. She nodded

Everyone left but I was still looking at Clara quietly in disbelief.

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