Episode 20

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" ok, am on my way" I said then ended the call. I wore my nurse jacket well.

My aunty just called me that she needed help at her restaurant, why now. I just returned nuella's properties to her then changed into my nurse uniform.

I am so tired.


" aunt tasie" I called as I walked in, she dragged my hand into the kitchen then she placed a tray into my hand. Ice cream and pizza.

" but am still wearing my nurse uniform " I said

" better. People like to be served by nurses" she said

" what!!

She pushed me out, now which table am I supposed to serve

I guess the first table, others are eating.  I stopped in front of him or her, I dunno, the face was buried in a magazine

" sir or madam ,here is your order. You should pay me" I said

Some men walked up , wait, these guards look kind of familiar

" he didn't order anything " they said to me
" but

He removed the magazine and my widened , omg it's my angel.  Jesus he is going to recognize me as the girl that insulted him.

I used my hand to cover my face.

" you" he said 

I hastily hid under the table

" no no no it's not me" I said

Omg 😱 what do I do now, I am even wearing my nurse uniform and aghc is written here.

" hey!!! Come out. Wow so you really are a nurse" he said

" am not a nurse" I shouted

I tried removing my nurse jacket but I mistakenly shifted the table and everything poured on him.

Omg 😱

I snuck out of the table , his face was so scary. I instantly used both hands to cover my mouth

" am sorry sir I-

he looked around in embarrassment, everyone was looking at him. He was so angry.

" you, I will kill you ... you are dead " he said angrily

" no am sorry, am really sorry." I tried touching him but he shifted away instantly.

He looked at his guard and they arrested me

" no no don't arrest me sir, prison is not good for me. Am really sorry, I already told you I was mad, am insane" I said and his guards laughed, their grip on me weakened so I ran away

Soon I got outside. My angel , I can't believe you hate me so much. Just seeing me, U looked irritated.

But I really like you, I guess , if I was not wearing a mask you would not have been kind to me earlier today or that day

I don't think you would ever like me in my life, seems we where destined to be enemies.

I already ran halfway when I remembered that I left my bag in the store, oh no!! Oh no!!! I fought a tree in frustration

Oh God, why do I have to go back there.

I ran back and just before the entrance , I bumped into a tall body which made me fall flat on the ground

I lifted my face and it was Him again , I froze. He brushed his hair behind Then He gently raised his tongue to the roof of his mouth. I watched him look to the other side . He was really angry, irritated and frustrated.

" you again" he said

What do I do

I carefully knelt down.

" am really sorry sir. Can't we start on a clean plate" I said

" clean what. Do you even know how much I hate you . The mere sight of you irritates the hell out of me.  " he said and I hastily wiped my tears. Why did that pain me

" am sorry" I breathed then I wiped my tears again

"Listen. Never ever show yourself to me again. Always stay very far away from me. If I ever see you again, only God  knows what I might do to you. " he said then he left

I wiped my tears. My angel obviously hates me so much. I guess I only have my crush Ryan left.

I carried my bag then I left..


I was already fast asleep at home when Ryan's secretary called me

" is this nurse Clara " she said
" yes ma" I said
" I already sent you Ryan's number. He would leave tomorrow and he wants to meet you at the airport back in Africa " she said
"Ok ma. thank you. Good night" I said

The call ended

I screamed happily falling on my bed. Finally I am going to meet Ryan.  Can't wait to see what he looks like.

I kept looking at his number and blushing happily.
Should I call him❤️❤️❤️❤️
Omg I can't wait to call him

I looked at his number till 3 am, counting and recounting till I mastered it

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