Episode 3

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Suddenly it felt like the legs disappeared, did I start seeing things.
Someone knocked and opened the door, it was my fathers assistant. It's time to go.
I love you so Much Anna. And I would never stop waiting for you.  I gently caressed  her cheeks.

Finally. The instant he left I snuck out of the bed
" good bye bestie. See you another day. Omg" I ran out of the hospital room then i rushed down like someone was pursuing me. Suddenly I slipped and fell.

" ouch!!" I tried standing up but i saw female shoes in front of me. These shoes🤔 omg matron Linda!!!!

I looked up and her angrily face confirmed everything. I slowly stood up then I bowed to her

" good day ma-
" Clara!!!!!!" She shouted and I shivered
" madam-
" I have been looking everywhere for you. You where assigned to an old man , what is your report on him?" She shouted

Omg I didn't  check on grandpa

" well, I will just..." I ran away

" come back here Clara!!!!!" She screamed on top of her voice

I smiled as I watched Clara run away. I exhaled tiredly , crazy girl. If not for me, Clara would have been fired a long time ago. I keep begging all the nurses and doctors to take it easy on her, my dear Clara

She knows nothing about life, she is so clumsy and crazy, she behaves just like a kid

She comes to work late everyday, her nurse uniform is always rumpled or stained, she knows nothing about fashion or looking good, once she put on make up - the whole hospital was filled with laughter.

Clara is the nurse who was asleep when a patient died , the nurse who would  help the patients eat their food.

It would take 1000 years to describe clara's craziness. She is such a bright , playful and happy girl.

God please  always be with Clara , And I pray the struggles of real life won't be what would change her

" mum why do you keep calling me, I told you am on my way" I shouted
" it's been over an hour. Why won't I be worried. Or are you trekking again " she said
" of course. I am being economic, do you want your money to finish" I said
" Clara!!!" She shouted
I hastily ended the call. This woman doesn't know how to appreciate.  Why is the taxi so expensive, anyways I have my legs.

Finally i got home. My mum was in the living room with my dad.

How do I explain our living condition, well we are not rich but we are not too poor either since we can afford our meals.

"Am back " I shouted as I rushed up to my room while massaging my legs
" welcome my strong daughter, trekking the world away" my dad praised me
" that's my daddy" I replied
" honey you are the reason Clara is like this. Clara don't come crying, I won't massage your legs again!!!" My mum shouted . Always shouting
" my dad will" I shouted.

I hurried climbed the stairs , both my parents screamed

" Clara watch your—

I already fell flat on the floor

" step" they completed then hastily faced the tv.

I stood up. I slip almost every day on this stupid staircase. I angrily pounded my feet on the staircase then I took a deep Breath

" am fine" I shouted as I walked into my room


My best friend came over later that evening. Diana, she is a nurse too, but a senior nurse.

" Clara David , i didn't see you at work today" she said sitting well
" I came, well I was busy with something else" I said
" busy with what" she said
I came closer to her ear then I whispered
" I went to the third floor today"
" whaaaaaaaat!!!!!" She shouted

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