Episode 31

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I watched tony from my room window ,he did some stuffs outside. There was a time when tony was all I ever wanted in life.

Even when I moved in with Ryan, I still told him to wait for me. But gradually I got confused, gradually I started falling for Ryan

Ryan whom Daniella was waiting for
I whom tony was waiting for

We got carried away in our own world and we forgot those who waited for us.

Finally Ryan opened up to Daniella, but I still didn't break up with tony.

Ryan trusted me then he sent me to go end things with tony, when I got there, I just had sex with him instead.

I felt guilty so I broke up with him after the sex. I was so messed up , I just ran away crying.

It was on my way back that I had my
accident. Why wouldn't I.

Ryan operated on me , at first I thought he knew . Cause I had unprotected sex and he was the first person to meet my body, cut my body open. Even not getting pregnant, who else would have ensured that if not him.

But judging from the way he visited me in coma, I figured maybe he did not know after all.

I was lucky last time, I would never risk that again.

I just want to be at peace with everyone I hurt, that is why I want to become friends with tony again so this guilt can end

Just then tony came into my room, he lifted me up then he placed me on the wheel chair. No words

Soon we got to his car , after helping me sit and Folding the chair he drove off and soon we got to the amusement park, my favorite place to be

Everywhere was so colorful, so many fun games, so many kids.

I enjoyed every minute I spent there, the kids decorating my hair with flowers and saying I look like Snow White😂

tony feeding me and the kids ice cream, they kids filling my wheel chair with balloons, all the kids pushing me slowly and singing

I was so happy

Finally tony quietly pushed me himself.


" am sorry" I said to Tony without bothering to look up at his face. I really hurt this guy so much.

Before I could turn he hugged me from behind I smiled.

" am sorry too" he whispered touching my hair sweetly. I wiped my tears.

Finally we just looked at the lake, it was fine. Tony sat on a rock

" how do you feel" He said , I smiled
"Sad. But am grateful for life. I feel like my life has been drawn back a lot, it feels like I am just starting from scratch " I said

" that's not true Anna. You have the love and support of all of us, before you know it, everything would be back to before" he said

I smiled

" I hope so too" I Said

"Anna" he said
I looked at him

" am sorry" he said , I smiled

" am sorry for not being understanding and letting you go. Am sorry that I kept luring you in until I made you cheat on ryan. I partly caused your accident" he said I looked down

"Truthfully, if it was some nice guy I would have let you go since you pleaded so much but it was Ryan , I knew for sure that he wasn't good for you" he said I looked at him

" I have known Ryan since he was in high school. he led a very dark life. His life was void of happiness , laughter, love. " he said then he brushed his hair behind

" I looked into his past and I found out that he was traumatized as a kid. He lived away from his parents from maybe 6.  He battled depression  from a very tender age and lived on anti depressants and other medication. He was just a walking red flag. I was 101 percent sure that he was incapable of love, He just carried a lot of darkness with him. He can't love without healing first. And his healing seemed impossible.  So  I believed he didn't love you, I thought he just needed you because he was lonely and that was why I really did not want to let you go" he said I caught my breath

" when he dated Ella, Ella changed both physically and mentally. She lost her light.
But she loved him , she wanted to be with him no matter what. Then all of a sudden, you got engaged to this person, you moved into his house , that wasn't enough, you wanted to get married to him, how could I be okay, no matter how hard I tried I just couldn't be at peace with everything. But now, I have seen the difference in him, now I actually believe that love  changes a person, you really changed him Anna which is why I have decided to accept your relationship and officially become your friend this time" he said and I smiled

" Anastasia Alexandra grande, my name is Tony. Let's be friends, us both" he said then stretched out his hand. I shaked his hand in tears then I nodded

" sure" I replied

We both smiled but I could still see the pain in his eyes. I know and it pains me, that I was the only one who moved on.

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