Episode 27

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The moment we got outside Ryan let go of my hand, he wiped his hand with his white hand towel 

I was still smiling sheepishly when I was supposed to be embarrassed. I can't believe he held my hand and saved me as Clara. Clara close your teeth

He entered the car so I entered too and he drove off. I just smiled happily looking at him, he drives with so much style.

" why didn't you shower " he finally said  and I felt butterflies.
I picked the book
" sir you where in a hurry " I wrote and I showed him
" even at that. You are a woman Clara. You should shower no matter what." He said.

I nodded. Shower no matter what Clara.  a call came into his car.

" baby" he said
Oh , it must be my sleeping beauty. I want to hear her voice too so why do I feel annoyed

Am I jealous 😱

No no no Clara. You can't like Ryan, you can't like your angel anymore, he is Ryan, he is Anna's angel.

" actually honey, I sat up today" she said to him, he smiled

" really? That means my baby would walk very soon" he said

" of course and when I do, I will visit you first" she said

" don't forget your promise " he said

" I won't. Where are you. Did the meeting start" she said

" not yet. 12" he said

"Ok. Let me allow you prepare. I love you" she said
" Thank you" he said I smiled
"Ryan!!!" She shouted, he laughed.
It was my first time seeing him laugh, his laughter is really beautiful. His gap teeth,  it was pretty.
" mnnnn I love you too" he said
She Chuckled and the call ended .

I looked at his face but when he turned I looked away,  I didn't want him to see the sadness in my eyes.


Finally ryan stoped at a hotel. Why did he bring me here.

I followed him from behind, he made reservations and we walked upstairs.

All eyes on him. God he has so much  style , if you don't know him to be a surgeon you would think he is a model / actor.

He opened the door then he sat on the bed, using his phone. Wow the room is very pretty-  well it's a 5 star hotel so.

I looked around then I gently used my butt to close the door , after which I stood there with both hands on my lap

Ryan removed his jacket. I held my gown tight. He looked up-

" what are you doing. Take a shower" he said

" huh! Oh ... ok ... I would " I replied then I ran into the shower.

I showered and I felt really refreshed ,  I looked in the mirror than I tried figuring out my hair.

It looks so messy. When I acted as nuella , it was so fine, now it's back to it's confused state.

Looking so Dry,  messy and all over the place. Now it's full and long.

Wait when did I even start caring. Sir Ryan already saw the worst version of the hair. How can I be looking like this in front of my crush 😭

What do I do.

I packed it then I folded it, my hands got greasy and dirty ,  why is my hair so -

Oh true, honey poured sauce on my hair - I forgot to wash it out. Oh God , I must be smelling- what If he perceived the smell since that day at the airport ,

I felt like crying but I didn't cry. Am really going to infect him

I folded it properly, good, I would carry it like this for a long time.

I washed my hands Then I noticed there was no towel in there.

God how do I tell him to give me the towel, am not allowed to talk to him. I brought out my hand

" well sir, your royal majesty " I said trying to please him. He didn't talk
" sir please pass the white paper, I have something to say" I said and next thing I felt on my hand was the towel.

I smiled

I dried my body then tied the towel. It was short tho. I just dragged it down as I walked out.

Ryans eyes first went straight to my thighs- my body almost shaked from the way he looked at me.

His eye scanned my body, from my legs up to my shoulders, but they kept going back to hip, thighs, legs.

It was the first time he took a complete look at me. But he looked away immediately, like he didn't look at me.

I tried moving out well but I slipped then I fell down. My towel almost untied but I held it to my chest. I smiled in embarrassment then looked down almost crying.

Ryan brushed his hair behind then he walked away

I hastily stood up and tied my Towel, Clara why are you so clumsy. What would your crush think of you stupid girl.

Ryan walked in, he was on call. I hastily moved back , I need to make sure my body doesn't touch his till the of this mission, they said I might infect him.

He dropped a pink bag on the bed then he left.
I opened it, pant, bra and a black gown. I smiled

I wore the  red lace panties and it fit so well, i smiled. Even my mum doesn't know my size.

I looked myself in the mirror , I looked like a model. I smiled, I like these kind of panties , it's so sexy not the boring ones I wear. I liked the butter fly design at the back.

I smiled happily as I wore the bra and it was perfect. More perfect than all my picks. 

I wore the black body con gown, it was long and classy. I couldn't zip it so I left it like that.

I packed my clothes into my school bag then I walked out, wearing the bag on one shoulder.

I saw him outside , he was on call. so I bowed.
I tried rushing out but he dragged me back. I stopped.

he gently zipped my gown up and I felt 1m  fire works in my stomach.


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