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I smiled as I looked at my outfit for the health conference, luckily my mum gave me this bag just at the right time.

Ryan would be there for sure, am finally going to see him, why am I blushing. I covered my face with both hands in a happy smile

Well get serious Clara. I want to ask my mum about the lady in the third floor, I am so curious I might not sleep well this night.

My mum walked into my room with a cup of milk. Wow perfect timing.

She sat down then handed me the milk in a smile, right now she is touching my hair , this means she is here to ask the same annoying question again

"Clara, have you later gotten a boyfriend "
She said
" mom!!" I screamed and she shivered
" sorry , I would stop asking " she said , I smiled
" mum, the lady in the third floor, who is she" I said
" what!!!!!!! Did you go there, do you want to get killed, how did you enter, how did you pass security, are you crazy " she screamed at me
" I didn't mum. It was in my dream. I keep telling you I have received my prophetic calling .  I see through walls now" I said
" really my child " she said
" yes. Let me show you. You know this position " I said lying down and facing upwards with my hands on my chest" I said
" yes" my mum said
" once I lay like this , I have gone out. Last night , I was at the third floor, and I saw the pretty lady there. There is a pretty lady right " I said
" yes. Oh my God! God really took you there" my mum said
" am telling you" I said
" what else did God say" she said
" he said go home and ask your mother what is happening in the third floor. If not the punishment of heaven will fall on her" I said with a convincing face
"Ok. I will tell you. Oh God I will tell you everything I know . " she said and I grinned happily


" her name is Anastasia Alexandra grande the first. She is the first and most loved daughter of sir Alexandra grande, the founder of a.g.h.c ( Anastasia grande health center)" she said

" wow" I replied

" after her accident, Ryan operated on her himself, multiple times. In tears, in confusion, he did everything humanly possible to wake Anna up, Anastasia remains the only patient Ryan could not revive " she said

" who is she to him " I said

" a.g. And r.d group have the biggest hospitals in the world. they decided to become one by getting their children married . Anna and Ryan where engaged to get married " she said I nodded

" their love was so strong. They where a power couple. " she said I smiled

" Anna was not just a beauty goddess, she was a strong woman. She was very intelligent, her aura / presence could reach the heavens. When Anna was ceo, nothing passes her by, everyone fears and respects just her name. She took Aghc to great heights " she said

" wow she was amazing" I said , my mum smiled " but what about her family "I asked

" after her accident, her mum went missing. Her dad doesn't step out of the house. No body knows what is wrong, all we know is that miss Tonia, her dad's second wife is now in charge of the hospital " she said

" that grumpy woman. Daniella mum right" I said

" yes my child. Please always stay away from these rich people. They are so dangerous and people like us are very insignificant to them" she said then she kissed my forehead . I smiled

She left and I fell back on my bed , Ryan my crush is engaged to Anna my best friend . Hmmm!! It's fine, I am rooting for them

I sat on the back of my white sofa, carefully looking at Anastasia picture in my glass closets.  It was designed to look real , I just stare at her whenever I feel down .

I blew out the smoke from the cigarette, then I brushed my hair behind.

I walked into Ryan's compound, when was the last time I came here. I smiled as I walked into his living room.

The smell of cigarette , mixed with the smell of his perfume , in the cold air conditioned living room was what welcomed me. It literally turned me on. Reminded me of the version of Ryan I dated before Anna changed him.

He wasn't there , so I just stared at Anna's picture in the glass frame, quietly.

When I received the phone call, that my boyfriend was now Betrothed to my sister , I fainted.

I was traumatized by anything phone , It took me 2 months to be able to hold a phone again.

I cried, I begged, I pleaded with Anna. But obviously, she is the ceo of a.g.h.c , shares and money would always come before her little sister. What am I saying, am not even her blood

He got engaged to Anna , then our little affair began, he belonged to her on paper but his body and love was all mine.

Until that faithful day, when he told me to stop waiting cause he would not come back anymore. When he said he had fallen in love with Anna and he wanted to be with her for the rest of his life. That very day still hunts me till now.

Finally, two years ago, fate came to my aid and Anna was involved in a major accident, now she is in coma.

This is my  chance to get ryan back... I have to win this time..

"  ella " I heard his voice, so i turned. I smiled as he showed me the bottle of wine and the two glasses he held.

Is it even legal to look this hot Ryan. 

I sat on the chair then I watched him pour wine into my glass, then into his own glass. He dropped the bottle then he sat beside me.

" it's been so long" I said  as I picked my drink.

" how have you been" he said and I just watched him swirl the drink in the glass

" can't you guess" I said, he smirked softly then he walked out of the house.

I followed him, we both stood facing the pool.

" what about you, how are you" I asked him. Tho I knew he was  not okay.  

He inhaled deeply then he drank from his glass.

I took a deep breath then just looked into the water with him.


Ryan looked at his wrist watch .

" Ella it's almost midnight - my driver would take you home. " he said then signaled his driver. After that he just walked past me, I gently took his hand, he turned.

I moved into his arms then I hugged him tight. he didn't touch me.

I gently unlocked  from the hug then  I looked up at his face.

" ryan" I breathed softly then I tried missing him, he looked away .

My tears fell. he turned to leave so I hugged him tight from behind. He stopped

"Ryan Anna is gone now. This is our sign to start over. Why don't you want to look at me, please give us another chance" I said

He didn't talk

"Anna separated us, we where so happy together. Now that she is gone, just let her go. I still love you so much" I cried

He gently unlocked my hand from his tummy  and I watched him walk into his house. I cried so much

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