1~ Justice Will Be Served

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"Eat slowly, Ahin-a!", warned Ahin's Mother as she hurriedly ate her breakfast getting late for her school

"Eonnie, today we'll go the playground, please, you said you'll take me today I already told my friends and they will come today too" said Ahyoon, Ahin's younger sister

"I'll take you, Ahyoonie, be ready, I'll take you straight from your daycare" said Ahin as she hugged Ahyoon, her Mother and her Father before leaving for school

"I'll get going, peoples", Ahin said hurriedly leaving the house. Her mother shook her head complaining to her husband, "You better say something to her, she'll literally choke someday"

Ahin's father just laughed it off as his wife glared at him and he coughed awkwardly and said, "I'll talk to her, don't worry."


"Hey, Ahin-a", called out Hyosonn skipping her way towards her best friend

Ahin turned around and smiled looking at her best friend. Hyosonn linked her arms with Ahin and started making her way into their school

"Someone looks happy today, did Hyunjin talk to to you?" Ahin smirked looking at her best friend, who apparently was in a good mood

Hyosonn smiled in a shy way making Ahin raise her eyebrows at her. "I'll tell you later", said Hyosonn leaving Ahin's curiosity hanging.

Making their way inside the classroom together they were greeted by everyone in their classroom

They settled down in their seat and Ahin asked, "So, what is it? May I have the honor to know exactly what made your highness happy?"

Hyosonn nudged her arm and said happily, "Well, you know-" Hyosonn was cut off by their homeroom teacher who walked in the class and ordered everyone to sit in their respective seats.

"So, class as you already know exams are just around the corner and I want you all to do your best. I know it's still not finals I still want you all to give your all and-" Mr. Kim stopped when he heard a knock on the door and went outside to talk to the principal's secretary.

He came back in and called Ahin out, "Ahin, the principal wants you in his office" catching Ahin off guard

She got up and saw all the glances she was getting from her classmates and walked out the classroom as her best friend worried what could be the reason behind Ahin being called to the principles room.

Ahin knocked on the principal's office door "Come in" she heard from the other side, as she walked in and greeted the principle by bowing to him and stood in front of his table

Mr. Park got up from his table and walked over to the sofa set as he signaled Ahin to sit on the sofa as he sat in his own seat

Ahin nervously sat down as anxiety was growing inside her but she stayed calm letting Mr. Park begin, "I don't know how to bring this news to you but I want you to listen to me closely

I'm sorry, that this news is broken down in this way. I'm sorry to tell you that your parents..." Mr. Park paused not knowing how to break this news to a mere teenage

As he paused, anxiety grew even more in her as she couldn't figure out where this was going

If her parents were okay or something happened and if something did happen are they okay or not- Ahin came back to her senses as Mr. Park continued

"Your parents had an accident and they were taken to the hospital and they have unfortunately passed away and your younger sister had already passed away even before she made it to the hospital and you're called at the hospital as the only family, so you're excused for today and the next week. You may make your way to the hospital now"

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