28~ Date With You

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Sunghoon woke up excitedly for the 'date' he had with Hwayoung, though she didn't call it a date and said it was just casual 'hang out'

But Sunghoon wanted to feel better so he thought to himself it is a 'date'

Sunghoon took a quick shower making his way to the kitchen, finding something to eat

Ahin walked towards the kitchen confused to see Sunghoon in the kitchen so early, though it was not early it was 10 in the morning

"What you looking for?" Ahin asked startling Sunghoon

He turned around sighing, "What does one search for in the kitchen, young lady?" Sunghoon asked sarcasm very evident in his voice

Ahin rolled her eyes and her lips making a thin line, "I don't know, maybe their brain?" Ahin said walking away

Sunghoon stopped and turned around to look at her walking away, he shook his head and applied butter on two slices of bread

He settled on the dining table and hurriedly had his breakfast, Ahin saw this and walked up to him

"Where you going?" Ahin asked settling next to him. Sunghoon stopped blushing, Ahin smirked slightly seeing Sunghoon's pink cheeks

Ahin leaned back in her seat tilting her head looking at Sunghoon, he looked at her and looked away immediately

"Hwayoung?" Ahin asked making Sunghoon widen his eyes making Ahin chuckle

"So, finally things are taking your side?" Ahin asked making Sunghoon rub his nape nervously

He nod his head smiling just with the thought of getting to spend time with Hwayoung

Sunghoon suddenly stopped smiling and looked at Ahin seriously making her smile to drop as well

"But didn't she do bad things to you? I forgot about it and--" Ahin cut him off

"No, she's a nice person and she was a kid and I'm sure she regrets doing what she did to me. Don't worry, just have fun with her" she said patting Sunghoon's shoulders

Sunghoon nod his head and proceeded to eat his bread slice

Sunghoon phone buzzed when he immediately got up and ran out of the house before waving his hands to Ahin

Ahin chuckled when suddenly someone tapped on her shoulders startling her

She turned around to face Jay and sighed, "Jay, you really scared me" she said making Jay laugh

He settled next to her, "What were you talking about with him?" Jay asked

Ahin shifted her body to face Jay and smiled, "He's finally going out with Hwayoung" she said

Jay furrowed his eyebrows and looked at Ahin with confusion, "But didn't she do bad things to you?" Jay asked with concern

Ahin looked at him and laughed, "You both are so similar, he literally asked me the same thing, but don't worry she's a nice person" she said

Jay nod his head and smiled, "If you're fine then I'm fine as well" he said making Ahin chuckle

Sunghoon opened the door for Hwayoung to enter the café that Hwayoung wanted to go to

They both settled down and ordered something they wanted to have. Hwayoung smiled seeing Sunghoon awkwardly look around

"So, what do you do?" Hwayoung asked catching Sunghoon off guard

He gulped, "I'm planning to open my own café, so I'm saving up" he said making Hwayoung slowly nod her head

She smiled, "That's great" she said making Sunghoon give her a smile small

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