30~ Maybe Our Last Night Together

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Mr. Yang was greeted by Siwoo when he went to open the door after hearing the doorbell, Mr. Yang immediately settled on the sofa asking everyone to gather around

When everyone was settled Mr. Yang told them about everything he could get information about what Oh Nam Sun was actually planning

"So, I got to know that he's planning to send some people to attack Ahin even before you reach him so that he could make it seem like he had nothing to do with your death.

But he already had a backup plan in case you reach him so he already have his other bodyguards that would kill you and get rid of your body

I was planning to send you alone but with this news I cannot let you go alone, no matter how good you are at fighting there is no way I'm letting you do that

It will only put you in danger and I can't lose you either" Mr. Yang said letting everyone know about the plan for tomorrow

Everyone looked at Ahin feeling bad because Ahin really wanted to take Oh Nam Sun alone but after knowing how dangerous it could get even her friends wouldn't let her go alone

"I want you all to stay in the van and let Ahin go inside alone but the moment you sense some danger Ahin you'll immediately ask everyone to come and help you

Jay the pen you gave her last time, you should give it to her this time as well and please Ahin don't fight everyone alone and please ask for help when you think you need it

I don't know what you have in plan when you accepted his invitation from him, but I won't stop you since I know very well that you will try to take things on your own and might not even tell me so, please let us help you"

Mr. Yang continued as Ahin nod her head and understood her Uncle's worries very well

Mr. Yang pat her shoulders sitting right next to her, Ahin looked away and saw Siwoo sitting there

Ahin looked back at Mr. Yang and smiled, "Uncle, this is the person I was talking about, Siwoo" she said catching Siwoo off guard

He fixed his posture and looked at Mr. Yang who furrowed his eyebrows and smiled, "Do you remember me?" Mr. Yang asked making everyone glance at Siwoo

Siwoo lowered his gaze and nod his head making everyone widen their eyes not understanding this situation, "You already knew him?" Jungwon asked to which everyone looked at Siwoo

"Yeah, I knew him from before and was shocked when he came here that day when that lady was here" Siwoo muttered feeling anxious as everyone was looking at him

Ahin looked at Mr. Yang, "Uncle, how do you know him?" Ahin asked feeling curious how he knew Siwoo

Mr. Yang nod his head and smiled, "Yeah, I asked him to join us when I saw him once but he refused and ran away, how does it feel to know that you ended up coming here anyways?"

Mr. Yang asked laughing making Siwoo rub his nape nervously, "I was shocked to see you" he replied

Mr. Yang laughed, "I'm glad you came though I hope you're comfortable here" he said to which Siwoo smiled and nod his head

"I am, thank you" Siwoo said to which Mr. Yang nod his head

Everyone bid goodbye to Mr. Yang as he left the house to go to his garage for work

Ahin sat down next to Siwoo, "I didn't know you already knew Uncle already, that's good to know though" she said to which Siwoo nod his head

"That was unexpected, Hyung" Jungwon said to Siwoo who was taken aback since nobody really talked to him

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