17~ A Crime Is A Crime

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"Oh, my God! Guys, come here you need to see this", Jake said as he called everyone to see something on his phone.

"What is it?" Niki asked, the first one who sat next to Jake. Sunghoon slowly made his way and Sunoo, Heeseung and Jungwon coming the last.

"See, this. This video has millions of views." Jake said as he showed the video on his phone. Everyone was shocked with what they were seeing.

"What the hell? Is this how Ahin's life was before?" Heeseung asked. "We had no idea that this is how things had been for her" Sunoo said with sadness.

"How do we tell her this?" Niki asked putting everyone in deep thought. They all tried to figure out how to break this news to her.

Ahin was still sleeping as she couldn't sleep whole night after what had happened yesterday. She had too much in her mind. Jay was asleep as well since he couldn't sleep thinking too much about his proposal.

Ahin woke up and went to take a shower. She slowly made her way downstairs to have something to eat.

She made eye contact with Jay, who had already been there before her, and blushed as Jay blushed too and smiled at each other.

Ahin was done eating and noticed that everyone was looking at her, she knew the reason of why Jay would be staring at her, but why others were staring at her she had no idea.

"What? Everything good?" Ahin asked making everyone uncomfortably shift positions. "We have something to show you" Heeseung said since he decided it would be better for the eldest one to break this news.

Heeseung took Jake's phone and played the video and handed the phone to Ahin. Ahin glanced at everyone before taking the phone and watching the video, Jay right beside her watching the video too.

Ahin's eyes widened in surprise as Jay stole glances at her to see if she was hanging in there. Ahin kept the phone on the table as her gaze was fixed on the ground. Her hands on her lap.

Jay held her hand under the table, a small gesture to show he's there with her. Ahin gave him a small smile and looked at everyone, worry very evident in each of their eyes.

Ahin gave them all a small smile and said, "You can ask me whatever you want, it's alright, no need feel you're on thin ice", Ahin said as everyone glanced at each other.

"We won't ask why you were doing this or whatever. But we're sorry that we had no idea how hard it must have been for you and we dragged you into helping us and all" Sunghoon said with everyone nodding their heads.

Ahin smiled, "It was not you all who dragged me. It was my decision. You don't have to feel bad or anything" Ahin said. "The person who killed my family is the same man in the video I scarred the cheek of-" Ahin was cut off by Sunoo, "As you should" he said with pure sassiness.

Ahin chuckled and continued, "But I have no idea who took this video or why anyone would do so" she said in deep thought trying to remember if someone she knows took this video. The video of her of when she scarred Oh Nam Sun' cheek in front of the police station.

"Hold on, I'll ask Hyosonn, she was there maybe she took it" Ahin said taking her phone out. Everyone waited for her to confirm.

Hyosonn-a, I want to ask you something.

Oh, my God! I was about to text you

Someone took your video that day and it's getting too many views. I had no idea, Hyunjin sent it to me and said the girl in the video looks too much like you.

What is it?

Nothing just wanted to ask if you took the video but guess not.

Oh, my God! Why would I? And then post it, you think I'm dumb?

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