22~ Do You Know Tenses?

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Sunghoon, Heesung and Jay rushed into the hospital with Jay carrying Ahin as the Doctor immediately asked the nurses to bring a stretcher trolley, making Ahin lay down on the stretcher, they all made their way towards the emergency room.

They all were asked to stay out as the nurses and the doctor made their way inside the emergency room.

"What happened?" Jay asked turning around to face Heeseung and Sunghoon. "After you went into your room, she almost fainted. She said she wanted to sleep but actually fainted" Heeseung said.

Jay closed his tightly, brushing his hand on hair feeling frustrated. "What's wrong with you? What happened?" Sunghoon asked with frustration as well.

How bad could things be that he just left her and screamed at her in front of everyone. Jay sighed lowering his gaze, "You wouldn't understand" he said walking away. Sunghoon tried to stop him but Heeseung stopped him as he shook his head, "Let him be", he said as Sunghoon sighed.

The Doctor walked out of the ER, lowering his mask, "She can go home, it's just stress, make sure that she is not in too much pressure and eats well" the Doctor said bowing and leaving.

Sunghoon and Heeseung made their way into the room as they saw Ahin lying down on the bed, she looked extremely pale and weak. "Are you okay?" Heeseung asked helping Ahin get up.

Ahin weakly nod her head and got up, ready to leave the hospital. Jay suddenly walked in, his gaze softening when he saw the woman that he loves look so weak, his heart broke and he felt it was his fault.

Ahin lowered her gaze as she tried to walk, Sunghoon left to bring his car as the three of them made their way out.

Ahin sat behind the driver's side and Jay beside her as Heeseung settled on the passenger's side. Jay stole glances at Ahin to make sure she's fine.

Ahin closed her eyes, her head severely aching and riding the car was not helping. She kept shifting her position feeling uncomfortable.

Jay noticed that and nudged Sunghoon to drive faster as Sunghoon nod his head.

They finally reached and Ahin made her way out of the car, Jay got off and tried to help her but Ahin looked at Heeseung's hand, leaving Jay's hand hanging.

Jay sighed and slowly made his way inside as Sunghoon parked his car in the garage.

Heeseung unlocked the door as everyone gathered at the entrance, "Yah, you okay?" Jake asked helping Ahin from the other side, Ahin gave him a small smile and nod her head.

Sunoo pouted his lips, "Yah, you scared me" he said furrowing his eyebrows making Ahin chuckle, "I'm fine, see and I'm back" Ahin said making Sunoo pout even more.

She settled on the couch as everyone else sat on the sofa, "Don't worry, I am fine" Ahin said sternly to ease everyone's worry. Jay stood behind the sofa, Ahin briefly looked at him as she looked away immediately.

Jay sighed and went inside his room, locking him inside. He didn't feel like talking to anyone and wanted to have some time alone.

Ahin sighed as she heard the lock, lowering her gaze. "Let him be, he'll be back to himself when he takes some time to think about it" Jake said patting Ahin's shoulder.

Ahin received a notification as she asked Jake to find her phone on the sofa, Jake handed her her phone, furrowing her eyebrows when she received a text from someone she least expected

Hey, can we meet? I'm right outside your house..


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