13~ Always There For You

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"What has gotten into him?" Jake making his way out of Niki's room

"Why? What's wrong?" Ahin asked as she saw Jake stomping his way towards the sofa

"He's been reading that book for days, barely coming out of the room, I asked him to play with me but he just threw me out of the room", Jake said angrily

Everyone fell in a fit of laughter as they saw Jake rant. Ahin sat next to Jake patting his shoulders, "It's okay, he's just interested in it. He'll come out when he'll get tired of it anyway", Ahin said as Jake nod his head and started scrolling through his phone

Ahin got up to make her way towards the kitchen when she suddenly felt dizzy and fell back on the sofa

Everyone made their way to her while Ahin tried to balance herself

"Are you okay?" Jake asked helping her since he was sitting right next to her

"Yeah, I'm- I'm good", Ahin said as her vision finally started to get clear. Jay asked her kneeling in front of her, "Did you eat anything yet?"

Ahin shook her head. Jay suddenly got up and made his way towards the kitchen, "Of course you'll feel dizzy not eating anything. It's literally 1 pm" he said handing her a glass of juice and a toast

She thanked him taking the plate and the glass

"If you feel dizzy please do tell us", Sunoo said as Ahin nod her head

She drank the juice and had the toast, she got up to keep the dishes when everyone suddenly heard a loud noise

They all made their way to the kitchen and panicked seeing Ahin unconscious in the kitchen

They all tried to wake Ahin up. Jay immediately picked her up in bridal style and asked Sunghoon to bring his car out as Sunghoon immediately ran to the garage


"How often has this been happening?", the doctor asked. "Twice, in front of me", Jay replied confusing Sunghoon who immediately looked at Jay

"We need her to take some test when she wakes up. Please inform the nurse once she wakes up" the Doctor said and bowed and left

Jay and Sunghoon bowed as well as they both looked at Ahin

"Twice? When has this happened before?" Sunghoon asked Jay concern evident in his voice

"Once when we were taking a walk she fainted all of a sudden, so I took her to another hospital that was close", Jay said

"Should we tell this to Uncle Yang?" Sunghoon asked putting Jay in deep thought

"It'll be a problem either way", Jay sighed as Sunghoon furrowed his eyebrows.

"Why? It'll be a problem if we don't tell him", Sunghoon said as Jay shook his head

"If we tell him, he'll make sure Ahin gets rest and then she'll get mad and I don't know what she'll do. If we don't tell him, then you know what will happen" Jay said

Sunghoon nod his head understanding Jay and knowing Ahin well

She'll make sure to get things done her way and might even hide her problems, so it's best to not tell anyone

Their conversation came to a halt when they saw Ahin moving

"Are you okay?" Sunghoon asked as Jay helped her to sit straight

"Yeah, I'm good, what happened?" Ahin asked trying to sit straight

"You fainted, do you remember anything?" Sunghoon asked as Ahin finally remembered going to the kitchen to keep her dishes and then suddenly her head started aching and then she doesn't remember anything

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