12~ Future Powerful Leader

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Niki woke up when his phone had a notification, he picked his phone as he shifted his position trying to sit up straight.

*Today is the day*

He took a deep breath as he read the reminder. It was finally the day he would take his revenge

Niki's parents were killed when a drunk driver crashed into his parents car and he was not charged with anything because he was the son of the head police officer

His elder sister was a dance teacher in one of the school as she tried hard to earn enough for herself and her younger brother

Niki had lied to his sister that he goes to an academy as she was busy with her life not being able to visit him even once

She would send money to him for the fees, but Niki would save it all since he was not actually attending any academy

Mr. Yang took him in once he saw him sleeping on the side of the footpath, all alone

Niki told everything to Mr. Yang as he asked him to join with others. He was the first one who joined Mr. Yang with the heat of revenge but after Jay

Now that it was time, Niki's anxiety grew. He made his way to the little meeting room to talk about the plan for today

He entered the room sitting next to Jungwon, across Ahin, as she noticed something off about him

Mr. Yang broke down the plan. He instructed everyone to stay in the van as Niki would take care of it alone

Mr. Yang followed Haneul, the one who killed Niki's parents, trying to figure a place out to get rid of him

He noticed that all Haneul does is roam around here and there, drunk

He noticed that there's this place he always goes to, by the river

That's the place they will get rid of him, he thought to himself as he walked away

Mr. Yang was done instructing everyone as they all left the room

Ahin stayed behind. "Uncle Yang", she called out making Mr. Yang turn around to face her. Ahin waited till everyone had left the room

"May I stand by while Niki does his job?" Ahin asked confusing Mr. Yang

"Sure, but why though?" Mr. Yang asked

Ahin replied, "He's young, he may need someone by his side, so I thought I'll stand by" Mr. Yang smiled seeing this as he was relieved to see Ahin getting close to everyone

Niki made his way to his room and suddenly called his sister

"Hello?", his sister said from the other side of the call

"Niki? Are you okay?", his sister asked startled by the call since Niki had never called her first, thinking something had happened anxiety grew inside her

"Nothing, I just thought I'd call to ask how you were doing", Niki lied not wanting to scare his sister

As they were done talking, Niki hung the call up as he sighed. He kept his phone next to him and laid down

"Come in", Niki said hearing someone knock on the door

"Hey" Ahin said making her way into the room, closing the door behind her

"I just wanted to talk, are you free?" Ahin asked

Niki nod his head. Ahin picked the vacant chair and sat next to the bed as Niki had sit up straight

"Worried about today?" Ahin asked making Niki nervously rubbed his nape, "Yes. I don't even know if I'll be able to do it. What if I just can't do it and my parents are disappointed in me?" Niki said finally letting his feelings out

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