4~ Garden Full Of Flowers

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Ahin drove her bike to Mr. Yangs. She loved the bike and often went on late night rides on her bike

She made her way towards Mr. Yang's office, Yang Jungwon called for her stopping her in her tracks

She turned around and smiled to Jungwon who made his way to her, he asked, "Are you free today later?"

Ahin nod her head

"Well, do you want to go to the park later? I really want you to meet my friends, I would love to have you in my friend group" he asked

Ahin smiled and replied, "Sure" making Jungwon smile brightly

She then made her way to Mr. Yang's office.

She put her backpack down and took out her sketch book that had all the drawings of their injuries and all those people's faces

She broke down her plan as Mr. Yang made some changes in her plan making sure about her safety

After going through the plan, how 4 hours passed by they didn't know.

They came to a halt after Jungwon knocked on the door. He came in, he asked Ahin, "Are you done? Or will it take more time?"

Mr. Yang smiled and replied instead, "No, she's done for today, you may take her wherever you want" making Jungwon smile.

Ahin packed her stuff into her backpack bid goodbye to Mr. Yang and made her way to the park with Jungwon on her bike.

Reaching their destination Jungwon called her friends out loud while getting off the bike,


His friend group looked at his direction, they all were stunned by the bike. They all rushed towards the bike.

"Oh, Hyung, meet my friend I told you all about, Ahin". They couldn't see Ahin's face as she was wearing a helmet and it was dark.

She got off the bike after parking her bike and removed her helmet, brushed her hand on her hair and stood awkwardly as everyone was staring at her

She nudged Jungwon's arm making him clear his throat causing everyone to come to their senses and they all glanced at each other

She shook hands with everyone and introduced herself as they did the same, she stopped when one of them wouldn't let go of her hand

"You changed your hair", said Jay smirking

She looked at everyone else and pulled her hand away from his grip, "And how do you know about it?", she asked narrowing her eyes

"Maybe it's not the first time we met", he said still smirking

"I don't remember meeting anyone named Jay", she said while everyone just glanced at each other getting awkward

Jungwon broke their conversation by intervening, "Maybe it's a misunderstanding, guys, she's new how about we take her to our favorite restaurant, she hasn't eaten anything"

Ahin smiled as they all agreed. They made their way to a Chinese restaurant.

Waiting for their food after ordering they all started chatting with each other. "So, how old are you?", asked a boy called Lee Heeseung.

"I'm 18", replied Ahin. Everyone nodded as they all told their age as well

Park Sunghoon, Sim Jake also known as Jaeyun, and the same weird boy, Jay and Ahin were all same age

With, Niki also known as Riki being the youngest.

Intrigued about their age gap Ahin asked them curiously, "How did you all even meet?", they all glanced at each other without saying anything

Jungwon said noticing his friends being hesitant, "You can tell her, guys. She'll be working with us soon", hearing what Jungwon said everyone surprisingly looked at each other

Niki excitedly said, "Oh, wow! It'll be fun with you. You're the coolest among us", Jay hit him on the head, and said, "You said the same thing to me when we met, is that the only thing you have to make people-"

Jay was cut off when the waiter started serving their food. Ahin looked at Jay intrigued by their interaction, something did indeed feel familiar about him, but what?

Jay looked at Ahin and smirked as they made eye contact and Ahin broke it clearing her throat

They made their way out of the restaurant Heeseung paying for the dinner this time.

Ahin felt bad, "It'll be my treat next time", she said to everyone especially to Heeseung. The oldest smiled while Jay said, "So you wanna hang out again?" he smirked

"Can you stop smirking, it's weird", Ahin said making everyone laugh and Jay rolled his eyes. They all made their way back to the park.

Now knowing how they all met, Ahin felt closer to all of them after knowing their story.

Her heart broke the most for Niki, the youngest. He reminded her of Ahyoon

Jay bumped into Ahin her thoughts came to a halt and she glared at him as he started walking by her side

"Ahin... such a unique name", said Jay making everyone sigh, they knew Jay hated newcomers and it was one of his tricks to make sure Ahin doesn't come here again

"Not if you attended school", she said not even looking in his direction as they proceeded to walk

Everyone silently giggled at Ahin's comeback except Sunghoon, laughing the loudest he patted Ahin's shoulder, "Wow, I'm impressed Ahin"

Jay walked towards him and Sunghoon immediately ran away as Jay chased him

Everyone laughed including Ahin, "Don't mind them, they're like this, you'll get used to it", said Sunoo, the most gentle among them

Sunoo reminded her of Hyosonn, just as Hyosonn, Sunoo was very kind, and she could tell that he was very kind hearted, he smiled the most as well

Ahin smiled at Sunoo, "I can see it's not the first time", causing Sunoo to chuckle

"I really hope to see you often", smiled Sunoo expressing he felt glad to meet Ahin

"We will", smiled Ahin as she loved that she could meet all of them

They reached the park, they all bid their farewell

"Goodbye, biker girl" said Jay before walking away

"I have a name" said Ahin as Jay turned around

"But I love the name 'biker girl'" Jay said as he waved his hand, turned around and walked away making Ahin chuckle

She wore her helmet and sat on her bike waiting for Jungwon to hop on too. Jungwon was about to sit when they heard loud laughter

They both looked towards their direction and saw Jake, Heeseung, Sunoo and Sunghoon laughing at Jay who was chasing Niki

Jungwon said, "My God, I don't know know when they'll grow up", sighing

Ahin smiled and said, "They do seem childlike, they're just like little flowers." Ahin said making her way towards Jungwon's house

Little did Ahin know, they were the Garden and she was going to bloom their lives like a flower...

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