24~ Hwayoung's Missing

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Mr. Yang decided it would be better if he met Niki's sister so she could be at peace to know there is an elder person who is here to take care of her brother.

"I'm Konon, Riki's sister" she said shaking hands with Mr. Yangs

"Oh, it's great to see you. I thought I'd visit once since you're here and don't worry, I'll make sure that Niki's fine here", he said

It had been three days since Niki's sister came to Korea

For the past three days, Mr. Yang did not tell anyone about any missions since he wanted everyone to take some time off and have fun since they have a guest over

Mr. Yang took his leave going back to his garage since he's been busy lately

Ahin settled on the sofa, "How about we do something fun today?"

Everyone agreed with Ahin with excitement when they heard the doorbell

Jay made his way to the gate and opened it. He frowned in confusion

"What are you doing here?"

"Do you know me? Anyways, I'm here to meet Ahin"

Ahin heard her name and made her way to the gate when she suddenly heard

"And why do you want to meet her?"

Jay was cut off when Ahin held his arm making him stop what he was saying

"What are you doing here, Junwoo?" Ahin asked

Junwoo couldn't believe what he was seeing but this is not what he was here for

"Did you meet Hwayoung?" Junwoo asked making Ahin roll her eyes

Ahin knew this has happened before. Hwayoung would go to Junwoo and tell him that Ahin hurt her and then Junwoo would give Ahin a hard time when Ahin wouldn't even do anything to Hwayoung

Ahin nod her head, Jay held Ahin's hand a sign that he was there with her.

"Hwayoung's missing. She didn't come home last night, so I thought I'd ask you" Junwoo said

Ahin sighed, "She's an adult, Junwoo. Treat her like one" she said rolling her eyes

Junwoo looked at her with concern making Ahin's eyes turn soft as well.

"What? How long has it been since you last saw her?" Ahin asked not wanting her personal feelings come in between when things could take a turn for the worse

"Yesterday morning and since then I didn't see her" Junwoo said concern evident in his voice

"Did you go to the usual places she goes to?" Jay asked since Hwayoung was his friend too

Junwoo nodded his head in panic trying to remember all the places he went before coming to Ahin for help

Ahin asked Juwoo to wait as she went inside, she saw everyone looking at her as some were sitting on the sofa and some of the couch

Ahin looked at Sunghoon and called him out and told everyone else that there was an emergency and she had to leave with Jay and Sunghoon

The four made their way near the park to see if Hwayoung was there, no trace of her

Sunghoon frowned in confusion not knowing what was going on

He tapped on Ahin's shoulder, she turned around and told Sunghoon everything

Sunghoon's eyes widened when he heard that Hwayoung has been practically missing for two days

Ahin asked everyone to go opposite ways as all four of them separated ways in search of Hwayoung

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