11~ Remembering You

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Ahin and Jay were walking side by side, as Ahin suddenly asked, "Mind telling me how you knew about me and Hyosonn"?

Jay nervously gulped sighing, "Remember when we bumped into each other 9 months ago? I followed you and then saw everything that happened", said Jay carefully looking at her trying to understand what she's thinking by her facial expression

But she furrowed her eyebrows slightly trying to understand his actions. She nodded and looked at him, "But why though?", she asked him

He sighed 'because I knew it was you the moment I saw you, I tried to talk but you walked away so I followed you until I saw what you were doing, and then as I tried to take you away from the scene, someone else did, so I followed you to talk to you but something else happened and I couldn't talk to you"

Jay's thoughts and steps came to a halt when Ahin asked her, "What Jay? Why did you follow me?" Jay smiled and said, "I was trying to see if your phone was working but you just wouldn't stop and I unintentionally saw everything happen", he said as he started to walk again

Ahin nodded walking beside Jay. As they both were chatting while walking they came to a halt when they heard someone say, "Is it you, Eunji?" Ahin turned around as her eyes widened and anxiety grew inside her

"Oh, long time no see, Eunji", said Beom seok, as he smirked seeing Ahin after so many years

"Oh, you haven't changed even a bit" Beom seok said

Ahin stepped back, her eyes becoming teary.

Jay stood in front of Ahin, a way to protect her from these group of boys

"Jongseong? Is that you? So you both still hang out with each other?" Beom seok asked while smirking

Ahin finally looked at Beom seok, as she furrowed her eyebrows not understanding what Beom seok meant


Beom seok and his gang used to bully Ahin a lot, when she was in orphanage home

Ahin wasn't Mr. Kim and Ms. Choi's biological daughter

They had been trying to conceive until they gave up and decided to adopt a child

There they saw Ahin as she looked hopeless and had no emotions on her face, there was a spark in their heart the moment they saw Ahin

They decided to adopt Ahin and gave her the best life. They named her Ahin, as they felt alive after having her, so they named her Ahin that meant - Humanity

Ahin felt she owed them her life. Despite her not being their biological daughter they still loved her with all their heart.

Even when they conceived Ahyoon, they gave the news to Ahin first, as she was happy having a sibling

They never loved a child, less or more. They both loved Ahin and Ahyoon equally or maybe Ahin a little more since she gave them hope in life

But before her life turned for the better, she was heavily bullied in the orphanage home

The elder kids bullied her heavily, they beat her and stole her food causing her to be extremely skinny

Her name was Eunji, with no surname

Jay was in the same orphanage as Ahin, his name was Jongseong and later when was old enough to leave the orphanage home, he changed his name not wanting to have any association with his past

Jongseong saw what the kids were doing to Eunji, and rushed towards them

He fought with the kids despite them being bigger in size than him

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