20~ God Sent

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Hwayoung slammed open the door to his brothers room, "Knock before entering Hwayoung" Junwoo said playing games in his phone.

Hwayoung scoffed, "How could you lie to me? You said that Ahin was the one who cheated on you and hurt you" Hwayoung said.

Junwoo closed his game and looked at Hwayoung, "Who told you that? Did you meet Ahin? Did she tell you this? That bitch, I knew she changed" Junwoo said angrily.

"Don't talk about her like that, you don't even deserve to say her name. I hated her for years because of you. You ruined everything but not anymore, please. Finally she is happy in her life, finally she is with someone who will keep her happy. PLEASE LEAVE HER ALONE, FOR GOD'S SAKE!" Hwayoung screamed before leaving his room.

"Someone new, huh?" Junwoo scoffed as he started playing games in phone again.

Hwayoung slammed her door as she plopped down on her bed, curled up as she remembered all the times she was rude to Ahin because she believed her brother.

If she hadn't heard their conversation the other day, she wouldn't have ever got to know that Ahin was the one suffering and not her brother.

On the other hand, Ahin was busy getting ready for their new mission that came this morning. Mr. Yang asked Ahin to follow someone that has been going around stealing and stabbing people.

Ahin made her way out of the house as everyone else was still fast asleep. She walked around following this person around, when she saw him entering this familiar building. It was the same building she went to meet Oh Nam Sun.

Ahin hid behind a tree waiting for the man to come out. Almost two hours had passed and the man had yet to come out. Ahin was getting tired of standing for so long.

She heard someone come out as she stood still behind the tree, "I hope you know if you get caught, you don't have to say anything and Mr. Oh's lawyer will be there to help you", Ahin heard someone say.

She saw the man walk past her making his way somewhere, Ahin looked back at the entrance of the building and walked away when no one was around.

Ahin stopped at one of the fast food stalls as she felt hungry and the same man was on the other stall as well. Ahin phone started to ring as she answered it quickly.

"Hello? Uh, I'm out for some work"

"When did you even go out?"

"Few hours ago"

"I thought you were sleeping for so long but I went to your room but you were not there"

"I know, Jay. Did you have something to say?"

"Oh, yes. Mr. Yang said we have a mission today and we'll have to leave at five since it gets dark early these days"

"Sure, I'll hang up then"

"Be careful"

Ahin hung the call as she had one corndog. She quickly paid for it and started following the man again.

She couldn't understand why someone would say that to this man why would Oh Nam Sun have a lawyer to back this person?

Is he doing this all because of Oh Nam Sun? Ahin kept following the man and she caught on that the man got to know that she is following him, he kept taking abrupt turns and fastened his pace.

Ahin turned the opposite of the man, the man turned around trying to see if she was still following him. "Looking for me?" Ahin asked standing in front of him.

The man turned around and fell down on the ground with the sudden appearance of Ahin. Ahin crouched down leaning towards the man's face, looking closely at him, he doesn't look old enough to be doing what he's doing.

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