3~ Transformation

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After being indoors all day long for a month Ahin had had enough. She knew she has to do something now to make sure that the only thing left to do is take revenge and she does it properly

She got up and went straight to her bathroom, took a nice long shower and stood in front of the mirror with scissors in her hand

She looked at her hair one last time, the long hair that her father loved about her, she made sure to never cut it throughout her life

The hair that was touching her waist. She put the scissors to her hair and closed her eyes and cut it with no doubt to her shoulder length

As the hair fell down, her fear, her pain, her heartache, everything fell down with it

Her new hair representing her new courage, her new willpower, A new Ahin.

She got up and started making her way to a salon. The same salon her parents used to take her to

She made her way in and was greeted warmly by the owner, Ms. Shin.

"Oh, dear! How long it's been since I last saw you", said Ms. Shin holding Ahin's hand smiling warmly at her

"I know, I'm sorry for visiting you so late", said Ahin reciprocating the smile

"I'm so sorry, for what happened, I heard that your parents had a heart attack and your sister fell down the stair, I was so scared when I got the news", Ms. Shin sighed

Ahin couldn't believe what she heard, so this is what everyone had been told about the 'accident' that her family had

She tried her best to smile and replied, "I know, but I'm here for a little makeover" Ms. Shin smiled and said "I can see your new hair, come sit here and tell me what you want" signalling her to sit on one of the chairs Ms. Shin got ready to take care of her hair personally

"All red? Are you sure about it?", asked Ms. Shin when she heard Ahin's abrupt request.

"Yes, all red, dark red, please" Ms. Shin was shocked when the younger wanted to dye her hair all dark red, being in this business for years, she knew exactly what the reason was

She started to get ready to dye her hair. After 4 hours of work, Ms. Shin moved Ahin's chair in front of the huge mirror in the salon and asked Ahin to open her eyes as she had shut it not knowing how to look at herself

Finally, mustering up her courage she slowly opened her eyes, staring at herself for a few seconds, she got up from the chair and smiled, loving the transformation.

She turned around and held Ms. Shin's hands and gave her a warm smile and thanked her

Ready to leave Ahin asked, "How much, aunt?"

Ms. Shin replied, "Oh, no way I'm taking money from you" confusing Ahin.

Ahin said, "Oh, no please I insist" to which Ms. Shin smiled and held her hands and said, "Then I'll ask for one thing", confusing Ahin even more as she furrowed her eyebrows

"I want you to live your life to the fullest and please make sure to be happy, as long as you promise to do this I'll think you payed me", smiling warmly at Ahin

Ahin smiled back and said, "I'll make sure to be happy, aunt, thank you so much" Ms. Shin patted her shoulders as Ahin took her leave with warmth in her heart

Ahin made her way to the garage that her father used to take her to

There was a gift for her he said that he would gift her on her 19th birthday, but he isn't here anymore to gift it to her so she decided to pick it up herself

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