29~ Your Dreams Matter

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Ahin made her way to the dining table, a smile appearing on her face when she saw everyone spending time with Siwoo

She could sense that Siwoo still feels a little out of place after moving in with them and Ahin was trying her best to spend time with Siwoo

But with all of the unexpected things unraveling, it was hard for her to spend time with him. But looking at the scene in front of her eyes, she felt less worried

Ahin knew that after she left everyone for good, Siwoo will always feel isolated because of his closed personality and she was trying to get everyone engaged with Siwoo

Jay waved his hand in front of Ahin as he saw her zoning out in front of everyone standing, she looked at Jay and chuckled

Jay made his way to the dining table, "What were you thinking so deeply about?" Jay asked settling down on his seat

"Nothing, just you" Ahin reply sheepishly smiling at Jay who narrowed his eyes looking at Ahin

Ahin laughed and settled next to Jay in the space she made for herself the other day, she looked back at Siwoo who was having a fun time with Jake, Sunoo and Sunghoon

Heeseung walked out of his room, his hair a mess. Ahin looked at his direction and frowned in confusion

"What the hell did you do to look like that?" Ahin asked making Heeseung look at her direction. Heeseung rolled his eyes settling in his seat and resting his head in his arms

"I've been feeling so tired lately, I guess we need to stop ordering so much food from outside and start eating healthy" Heeseung said looking at Ahin

Niki just stood there still with the order in his hand that he had just ordered. Heeseung looked at Niki frozen in his place his lips making a straight line

Heeseung burst out laughing at Niki, "It's okay, now that you've already ordered" he said making Jay and Ahin turn around

They both started laughing as well looking at Niki just standing there like a mannequin

Niki made his way to the dining table and placed the order on the table

Everyone else made their way to the table and settled ready to have lunch together

Ahin looked at Siwoo, "Siwoo-ya, what did you want to do before all this?" Ahin asked catching him off guard

He looked around and shook his head, "Nothing, I never had anything I wanted to do" Siwoo replied and started digging in

Ahin frowned in confusion with his behaviour or maybe she was just thinking too much, she shook her thoughts aside and had a hearty meal

Sunoo and Niki did the dishes and cleaned the table with everyone else slacking off on the sofa and the couch

Ahin got up and made her way to her room and dialed Hyosonn's number

"Hello?" Hyosonn said from the other side of the call

"Hey" Ahin said with a small smile on her face

"What's wrong in the middle of the day?"

"Nothing, just thought I'd call you"

"Ooh, what made your highness remember me?"

"Oh, please. Don't use my own words against me"

"Sure sure"



"You know that you always mean a lot to me, right?"

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