23~ I Know It Isn't Easy

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It was Niki's birthday and the birthday boy was a little too excited for it. He woke up the earliest, showered and made his way to the dining table. His smile disappearing after he saw that nobody had woken up yet.

He then checked the time in his phone and sighed. It had just been 6 in the morning. Niki chuckled at himself as he shook his head and made his way to the kitchen. Rummaging through the fridge feeling a little hungry.

He closed the fridge not finding anything. He then saw bread and picked it up, applying butter on 2 slices and peanut butter on the other two slices and made his way to the dining table.

He started eating, scrolling through his phone when a notification popped up. He clicked on it, a smile on his face when he saw who it was.

Hey, birthday boy. I just wanted to tell you that I am on leave for the next week and I'm planning to visit you. I'll be there for a week. Let's have fun. And happy birthday, my brother

Niki's smile dropped as he started to panic. His sister coming here means her getting to know everything that he does. If she got to know what he's doing here, she's definitely going to freak out and take him back to Japan with her.

Yeah, thank you. So excited to meet you and introduce my friends to you. When exactly are you going to reach here?

Well, I'll be there by 10. Excited to meet your friends as well.

Yeah, be careful

Niki started pacing around the room not understanding how he should handle this situation, he by any means cannot let his sister know that he's not in any academy and that he lied to her.

Ahin was making her way down as she saw Niki pacing around the room. "What's wrong, birthday boy?" Ahin asked with a smile. Niki immediately walked up to her and held her hands. "I'm in some deep trouble and I need your help" Niki said panic evident in his voice.

Ahin furrowed her eyebrows and made her way to the sofa with Niki and sat down making Niki sit down as well. "What's wrong?" Ahin asked. "My sister's gonna be here in few hours, and if she sees me doing nothing here she's gonna know I lied to her about studying here and she's gonna take me back" Niki said as anxiety within him grew.

"You have lied to your sister that you're studying here?" Ahin asked as her eyes widened. "Well, of course, what kind of an elder sister will let her younger brother engage in such dangerous work?" Niki said embarrassing Ahin as she covered her mouth with her hands shocked with how right he was.

Ahin cleared her throat, "Well, how are you planning to get away with this?" Ahin asked making Niki sigh. "Lady, if I had any idea I wouldn't ask you" he said frustratedly. "Okay, you gotta stop with those comebacks. Fine, I'll figure something out" Ahin said making Niki chuckle.

Ahin was busy making a plan with how to make sure that Niki doesn't get caught with his lies. And on the hand, Oh Nam Sun had already planned how to ruin Ahin's life as if he hadn't done enough.

"I UPLOADED THAT VIDEO SO I COULD BE THE VICTIM BUT THAT GIRL REALLY IS THERE TO RUIN ME MORE! HOW DID SHE EVEN GET TO THAT BOY AND HAD THIS VIDEO UPLOADED?" Oh Nam Sun screamed as he pushed everything on the floor from his table making his secretary flinch.

"Sir, there is a drastic drop in our stocks. Many news article that have you in a negative light", the secretary said.

"Well, what was her name again?" Oh Nam Sun said, "Kim Ahin, sir" the secretary replied. "Yes, Ahin, I want the whole background of hers, everything that she did and what she's doing now, people in her life that she loves any friend or lover anything. I WANT IT TODAY" Oh Nam Sun screamed as his secretary bowed and left the room.

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