15~ 'My Love❤️‍🩹' or 'My Love 🔪'

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Ahin saw Jay rummaging through the whole sofa and then walking towards the kitchen searching for something

Ahin made her way to Jay, "Did you lose something?", she asked grabbing everyone's attention

"Yes, I lost my phone" Jay said still searching for his phone

"Where did you keep it last time?" Sunghoon asked to which Jay paused and tried to remember where he kept it last time

"I don't remember at all" Jay said making everyone sigh. They all decided to help Jay find his phone, they all went to their respective rooms and searched for his phone

Sunghoon saw Ahin's phone and picked it up, "Hey, what's your password?", he asked. He furrowed his eyes when Ahin didn't respond to him

"Hey, Ahin-a" he called out making Ahin stop. She turned around and looked at him confused

"What's your password?" Sunghoon asked again to which Ahin pointed at herself. "You were asking me?" Ahin asked making Sunghoon roll his eyes

"Who else would I when I have your phone in my hand?" Sunghoon said with sarcasm in his voice.

"Yah, you didn't even call out anyone's name am I supposed to just get to know you're talking to me? What am I? A mind reader?" Ahin said in one breath making everyone stop and look at her

Jake behind her motioned Sunghoon to not argue more, as if to abort some mission. Sunghoon's lip made a thin line as he nod his head, "Fine fine, it was my fault. So what's the password?"




"That's it?"

"What else am I supposed to keep?" Ahin said feeling frustrated as to why he's trying to pick a fight with her

Sunghoon raised his hands in surrender, "I mean, it's just too easy to figure out" he said as he unlocked the phone

"So what? What do--" Ahin was cut off when Jay suddenly slammed the table. "What are you two trying to do? If you're not going to help me, please leave" he said as everyone started searching for his phone

Sunghoon suddenly burst out laughing making everyone curious as to what he saw. "A clown emoji" he said as he burst out laughing even louder

Everyone made their way towards Sunghoon as he showed them what he saw making everyone laugh as well, Jay being the only one who didn't laugh

'Jay 🤡', the name Ahin saved

Ahin's eyes widened as she made her way to Sunghoon and snatched her phone away and hid it behind her back

Ahin looked at him as she awkwardly smiled, "No, it was way before we even became close" she said trying to calm Jay down

Trying to distract him Ahin immediately called his number, when his phone started ringing on the sofa

He rummaged through the sofa, picking up pillows as he finally found his phone

He picked his phone, turned around and raised his phone in front of Ahin's face, showing the name showing up on his screen

'My love ❤️‍🩹'

Ahin rolled her lips inward chuckling awkwardly, "I'm sorry, I just didn't really thought about it" Ahin said feeling guilty

"A clown emoji after my name? Isn't that too much?" Jay said feeling a little hurt. He turned around and walked towards his room and slammed his door shut

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