16~ Unpleasant Encounter

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"Try this and this and this and this--" Hyosonn was stopped by Ahin who looked desperate for some help. "Can you please not give me so many clothes?" Ahin asked, both of her hands filled with the pile of clothes.

"Okay, you can go try those on first" Hyosonn said dragging Ahin towards the changing room and stood outside waiting for Ahin to show her the clothes.

"How's this?" Ahin asked as she walked out of the room to show Hyosonn her outfit. It was a green color sweater with light brown skirt.

Hyosonn shook her head with dissatisfaction, "Next" she said as Ahin walked back in the room changing to another pair.

She kept walking in and out of the room as Hyosonn was still dissatisfied with the clothes.

Ahin walked out of the room with the last pair she had, Hyosonn turned around her eyes widening as she saw her best friend. Her hands covering her mouth in astonishment.

"I don't remember picking that up, but it's very good" Hyosonn said examining her best friend

"Dark green may be your new color" she said finally satisfied with the outfit.

"When did you even pick this? How did you even come up with this? Loose Dark green shirt with black pants and a belt to complete the look, just wow" Hyosonn said circling around Ahin.

"So, this is it?" Ahin asked finally ready to go home after a hectic session of just changing clothes. "Yeah, we're good" Hyosonn said walking out of the changing area. Ahin walked in and changed back to her clothes.

Ahin was standing in the line to pay for the outfit when Hyosonn tapped on her shoulders making her turn around. "Isn't that Jay?" Hyosonn asked not sure whether she was right or not.

Ahin looked at the person she was pointing at and it indeed was Jay, it looked like he was here to buy clothes as well. "What is he doing here?" Hyosonn asked to which Ahin just shrugged her shoulders.

"Is he with a woman?" Hyosonn asked a little too loudly. Ahin put her hands over Hyosonn's mouth so she could stop being so loud.

Hyosonn removed her hand and said, "Well, if he's here with a female he needs to know that you know it. I can't believe it" she scoffed anger rising inside her seeing him with another woman whereas her best friend is here buying clothes so she could propose him.

"I think he's here to buy clothes with her" Ahin said her voice too soft. Hyosonn looked at Ahin her anger rising more. She tried to walk towards Jay but Ahin stopped her by grabbing her arm her eyes so wide as if it'd pop out any minute.

"What are you doing?" Ahin asked still grabbing onto Hyosonn's arm, "He should know that he's not here trying to mess with you and I'm right here with you and plenty other boys who will die to be with you" Hyosonn said glaring at Jay.

Ahin chuckled and linked arms with Hyosonn, "It's okay, I trust him" she said as she payed at the counter.

Hyosonn sighed knowing very well that once Ahin trusts she will never doubt anyone unless she has full proof which is why her last relationship harmed her very badly.

When Hyosonn got to know that she likes someone, she was beeming with happiness as her best friend had finally decided to let go of her past and decided to trust someone again.

Hyosonn's thoughts came to a halt when Ahin nudged her arm to walk out of the mall, walking out of the store Ahin looked back at Jay for the last time as she sighed.

Ahin wanted to trust Jay with all her heart but it's hard for her to trust anyone at this point but she kept convincing herself that the girl may be a female friend.

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