6~ Trying Things You Like

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Ahin woke up when her phone started ringing. She picked up her call

"How long do you take getting ready?" asked Jay from the other side of the call

"Nice way to say 'good morning' Jay" Ahin said trying to sit straight

"Yeah, thank you"

"What do you want, Jay?" Ahin asked rolling her eyes trying to sit straight

'm giving you 5 minutes to get ready, if you're late I'll go alone to have breakfast. Everyone already left and as I'm so kind I waited for you"

"Just save it Jay, I know you woke up late and everyone had already left" she said chuckling

Jay cleared his throat and said, "Your time starts now" and hung the call.

Jay 🤡:




Oh, please Jay. Don't disturb me.

Jay 🤡:
As you say, biker girl 😉

Ahin quickly made it out the house and rolled her eyes when she saw Jay

Jay smirked keeping his phone back into his cargo pants' pocket

He stood up straight as he was leaning on his bike and wore his helmet and and sat on his bike looking at Ahin

She made her way towards him as he gave her a helmet

"Wear it"

"Why? You gonna take me on this bike?" Ahin chuckled to which Jay nod his head

Ahin sighed not wanting to tease him as she was very hungry, she wore the helmet and sat behind him, not holding him

"Hold on tight, biker girl" he said making Ahin chuckle "Don't tell me what to do, I know what I'm doing" she said not wanting to hold him

Jay started the bike and accelerated it suddenly causing Ahin to bump into him and hold him

"I did say hold on tight, biker girl" Jay said making Ahin roll her eyes

She held him intertwining her own fingers over his waist

Jay smirked as he made his way towards a nearby restaurant

After reaching Jay asked Ahin while getting off the bike "So, how was it?" Jay asked smirking intrigued to know what Ahin thought about his driving skills

"Not bad, I guess" Ahin replied walking away as Jay chuckled

Settling down at their table they both received the menu and said 'thank you' to the waiter

Scanning through the menu deciding what to eat

They scanned the menu when one particular dish stood out the most making them both feel disgusted at it

They closed the menu and Jay signaled the waiter as the waiter made his way towards them

"One tomato sou-"

"One corn sou-"

They both looked at each other as they said their respective order at the same time and made a disgusted face and said again at the same time

"Who likes tomato soup?"

"Who likes corn soup?"

The waiter wrote down the order and left

They both rolled their eyes at each other "Don't say anything about corns, please they're the best thing to ever exist " Jay said

Ahin chuckled at his words, "Oh, please they might still be bearable when eaten without anything but soup? Gosh" Ahin rolled her eyes while Jay just narrowed his eyes at her

Their order were being placed, the waiter accidentally switched the order and placed it and left

They both put their phones down and saw their order was switched

Jay rolled his eyes and said, "The waiter accidentally switched the order. Pass me that one" he picked her bowl

Ahin tilted her head and smirked, "Try it once, you may like it" she said curious to know if he likes it or not

Jay put the bowl down and sighed picking the spoon

He took a deep breath before taking a spoonful of soup and furrowed his eyes thinking if he likes it or not

Ahin was excitedly waiting for his response raising her eyebrows waiting for a response Jay chuckled and said, "I mean, not bad I guess" he said sarcastically and took his bowl and placed her bowl in front of her to which Ahin rolled her eyes as her lips formed a thin line

Jay was about to take a spoon of his soup he stopped and said, "You should have a spoon too, it's only fair" he smirked

Ahin picked the same spoon up and took a spoonful of his soup and tasted it

She raised her eyebrows as she liked how it tasted and looked at Jay who was smirking and immediately made a poker face and replied, "It's fine" and started to have her soup

"Be honest, it's good, right?" Jay smiled knowing Ahin liked it

Ahin gave in and admitted "It's good, might be my new favorite soup" said Ahin trying not to smile

As they were about to leave Ahin said, "I'll pay" holding Jay's hand to stop him from paying

Jay smirked and said, "You can pay next time. This time, it's my treat"

Ahin immediately let go of his hand and made her way out of the restaurant

She stood in front of his bike and waited for Jay when suddenly her phone buzzed. She took her phone out and her smile suddenly disappeared

*Hyo_so_nn_2112 recently added to their story*

Ahin sighed remembering everything that happened when suddenly Jay snatched her phone as Ahin tried to take it away

Since Jay was taller than Ahin he held her phone and raised his hand straight so Ahin couldn't reach it

But Ahin outsmarted him and tickled him as he immediately bend his hand and Ahin snatched it back as they both started laughing

Jay looked at her laughing and said, "See happiness looks so much better on you" and smiled

Ahin smiled a little not wanting Jay to see it and chuckled

Jay tilted his forehead as he slightly bend forward to look at Ahin smirking, Ahin looked at him and immediately smiled as both of them started laughing again

They got on the bike and made their way to the house

Ahin got off and took her helmet off and Jay did the same he asked her, "Was it the friend of yours?"

Ahin looked at him and sighed as she nodded

"Why you're not friends anymore?"

Ahin nod her head, "Yeah, things happened" Ahin replied shortly not wanting to continue the conversation

Jay understood so he changed the topic to different things as they both walked into the house together

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