7~ Mission Successor

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Ahin walked into the room as she was late for the small meeting they were supposed to have

She quickly settled next to Jungwon who gave her a smile as she did the same

Mr. Yang continued with the plan, it was time to help Sunghoon

Sunghoon was 15 when his Father had passed away. His father passed away in a car accident, it was later found out that it was planned and was not an accident but murder

He filed a case but the case was closed and he was not allowed to enter the police station

Every time he tried to enter, some of the police officers would take him in and beat him up

His Mother was in a nursing home and he could rarely meet her. He needed money to pay for his Mother and buy food for himself

He had several jobs and always ate the expired food in the convenience store that he was working in

Until he saw the man who killed his father, living his best life

He picked up a huge stone and charged forward towards him and threw the stone, missing him completely and the guards held him trying to beat him until Mr. Yang saw it

He immediately intervened and took Sunghoon away from there. That was the first time he met Mr. Yang and then joined him in his work

He was getting paid for this work and the payment was more than enough for him to pay his Mother's bills and he did not have to worry about food either

They all dispersed from the room when Ahin glanced at Sunghoon as she noticed the person who talks the most is silent today

She made her way towards Sunghoon and wrapped her arm around his shoulder catching him off guard

He quickly turned his head and chuckled when he saw Ahin

"Don't worry, your name itself mean successor. It means you'll be successful with your mission" Ahin said trying to calm Sunghoon's nerves

Sunghoon chuckled "How did you know what my name means? Did I ever tell you?" Sunghoon asked confused not remembering telling Ahin the meaning of his name

"Nah, I searched it up. I love searching meaning of the people who are closest to me" said Ahin making Sunghoon smile as they both separated ways to their respective rooms

Sunghoon felt a little relieved having his thoughts wander off somewhere else by having a conversation with Ahin, he smiled to himself

Afters several hours, Mr. Yang immediately called everyone down to the living room. Everyone rushed to the living room with their equipments

Mr. Yang explained everyone what they have to do. Jay and Heeseung were instructed to make sure to stay in the car and inform everyone else if anyone is seen going in their direction

Jungwon and Jake were instructed to fight them but if they're unable to take everyone down, Sunoo and Niki were instructed to make sure that the people don't reach Sunghoon

Sunghoon would be the one who takes care of the culprit

"Ahin, you'll be alone, I trust you, make sure no one, and I mean, no one should be able to do anything to Sunghoon. Not a single scratch should be on Sunghoon", said Mr. Yang

Ahin nod her head determined to make sure nobody is able to get to Sunghoon

"But Dad, why is Ahin-a Noona alone?" Jungwon asked.

Mr. Yang explained, "She's the strongest among you all. Ever since she was a child she had more pain tolerance than that of average kids.

She knows more skills than any of you all, combined

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