26~ All Over Again

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Ahin woke up as she groaned in pain as she tried to get up from the bed, she made her way to the bathroom to freshen up

Cleaning herself with a wet towel as she couldn't take a shower till her injury heals, she washed her face with the soap, and looked at herself in the mirror.

Feeling a little clean she carefully changed her clothes and made her way downstairs, a lot going on her mind.

Jungwon told her about the invitation that she received from Oh Nam Sun yesterday, he called her to meet with him this Friday and it's just three days from today.

She was worried about Niki too, she wanted to know what he said to his sister. She got her results yesterday, the tests she gave when Sunghoon and Jay took her to the hospital

She changed Jay's number to hers, and she has brain tumor. That is why she randomly kept fainting.

It all made sense to her yesterday, she couldn't tell Jay yesterday when he came to her room because Jungwon suddenly gave her this news of that man inviting her over, she felt bad for him.

When finally she found the people in her life, finally when she found someone she loves, the world is all ready to take it all away from her.

She settled on the sofa and took her phone out to distract herself from these thoughts.

On the other hand, Sunghoon had a lot on his mind as well, he couldn't sleep last night with the guilt that filled his entire body that he started feeling physically weak.

He weakly made his way to the bathroom and took a quick shower and stood in front of the mirror, he hated himself, he sighed and made his way out of his room.

Ahin heard a noise of door opening, she looked at her left and saw Sunghoon who looked startled to see her

He immediately turned around as he turned his doorknob to go inside, his actions coming to a halt when he heard his name being called out.

"Sunghoon!" Ahin called him knowing very well that he's just avoiding her after what happened yesterday.

"Can I please talk to you?" Ahin asked hesitantly not wanting to burden Sunghoon.

Sunghoon let go of the doorknob and turned around, his gaze fixed on the floor he slowly nod his head making Ahin smile a little.

He slowly made his way towards her and settled next to her on the sofa. He couldn't dare to look at her

Ahin carefully asked, "Are you okay?" Sunghoon looked at her in surprise.

He scoffed, "I'm okay? You're asking if I'm okay? What about you? Huh? Why don't you let anyone take care of you? Huh?

What is wrong with you? Anything could have happened, you could have been seriously hurt. WHY DO YOU ALWAYS HAVE TO PUT YOURSELF IN DANGER AS IF YOU HAVE MORE THAN ONE LIFE?" Sunghoon raised his voice, tears ready to roll down on his cheeks.

He looked away and immediately wiped his tears away.

Ahin looked at him letting him let his feelings out, Sunghoon looked at her

"Even now you're only thinking about me, ONLY WANTING TO HELP ME, AREN'T YOU?" he raised his voice feeling frustrated, not understanding Ahin at all.

"If I was you, I would have hated the shit out of me, but here you are--" he got cut off by Ahin

"Even now you didn't say if it was you who got hurt you would have hated me" she said making Sunghoon sigh.

"I know, Sunghoon. I know you hate that I got hurt instead of you, but trust me if it was you in my place you would done the same thing.

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