10~ The Awaited Reunion

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"Come in", Mr. Yang said, as Ahin knocked on the door and came into the room and settled in her seat.

"So, as I was saying", Mr. Yang started now that everyone was in the room, "The first mistake you did was, when you charged towards them, that's not what you're supposed to do when it's a huge group of people and it's just two or three of you"

Mr. Yang continued, trying to teach everyone how to put up a better fight against a huge crowd of people

"Ahin-a, can you tell us what you did when you fought those men?" Mr. Yang asked Ahin

"Uh, I just stood there when one of them made their way towards me, I pulled my knife out and stabbed him in his neck, and he fell down

And then I tried to distract them by random questions so they'd lose their focus" Ahin replied, as everyone slowly nod their head understanding Ahin's strategy

"Yes, that's what you're supposed to do, she stood her ground, not taking a single step towards them, 'cause she knew they all wouldn't make their way towards her. They have their ego as well, to show dominance, one of them would make their way towards you, and you need to show them that you've got what it takes", Mr. Yang said.

"You only got one shot to crush their ego, your one shot should make as much damage it can, just as Ahin, she had her knife, so she stabbed him, the most damage you can make is make someone bleed", Mr. Yang said.

"But we didn't have knife, Dad" Jungwon said making Mr. Yang nod his head

"If I gave you knife and you don't know how to fight with it, it will only be used against you, it's not easy to fight with a knife, Ahin knows how to fight so she always carries one with her" Mr. Yang said answering Jungwon's question

They all made their out of the room after Mr. Yang taught them better skills to fight

Sunghoon said, "Now I know why Mr. Yang let you be alone" patting Ahin's shoulder a way to show how proud he was of her

Ahin chuckled, shy at the compliment when Jay suddenly said, "You haven't seen me fight yet, I would have done a better job than her, I even saved someone from getting bullied when I was a kid", Jay smirked a little too proud of himself

Ahin hit him on his arm making him narrow his eyes at her and rubbed his arm as everyone else laughed at how silly they both were

Ahin made her way out of the house, she sat on her bike and wore her helmet, as she was about drive away, someone held her hand making her flinch

"Where are you going?" Jay asked

Ahin sighed and said, "I have to be somewhere"

She pulled her hand from Jay's grip and drove away.

"I'll be back, Mom!" Hyosonn said making her way out of her house with Hyunjin.

"What do you wanna do today, honey?" Hyunjin asked holding his girlfriends hand and gave her a bright smile

"Um, I have this café that I loved going to" said Hyosonn as Hyunjin nodded and they started making their way towards the café

Ahin peaked from behind the walls of Hyosonn's house hearing their conversation She smiled happy for her best friend knowing how much she liked Hyunjin

And now that they're dating it warms her heart even more

Hyosonn and Hyunjin settled in their seats as they were alloted a table for two

Ahin sat behind Hyosonn facing her back towards Hyosonn so Hyosonn wouldn't be able to see her

Hyunjin ordered for them as they both started to chat. Ahin, unintentionally heard their conversation

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