14~ First Kiss? First Kiss!

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Ahin walked into the house after dropping Hyosonn home, her head down, her gaze fixed to the floor not wanting anyone to see her red eyes

Ahin took the first step on the stairs when someone held her arm stopping her in her tracks

She looked at the side "Did you cry?" Jay asked her when Ahin immediately held his hand and went outside the house

"Shoosh", Ahin said as she left his hand and stopped. "Sorry", Jay said realizing his voice was a little too loud.

Ahin sighed as she looked into his eyes. "Are you okay?" Jay asked her with concern

"Yeah" Ahin said totally not convincing Jay as he narrowed his eyes

"Fine, yes, I did cry" Ahin said giving up knowing Jay won't let it go

"Why?" Jay asked her as Ahin rubbed her eyes in frustration

"I had my reasons, I don't have to tell you everything, Jay" Ahin said sounding a little too rude for his concern self as she walked into the house straight to her room, leaving Jay hanging

*The Next Morning*

Ahin made her way to the kitchen as she woke up a little too early. She decided she'd make breakfast for everyon

Her father always said that she made amazing noodles, so she decided she'll let the new closest people in her life taste it

As she prepared the ingredients, she heard a knock as she looked ahead, her lips slightly parted, it was Jay

"What are you doing so early in the morning?" Jay asked, his voice just above a whisper

"I thought I'd make breakfast for everyone" Ahin replied as she focused on her work

"Oh, cool" Jay said as he hesitantly made his way towards the dining table

"Mind if I sit?" Jay asked pointing towards his chair. "It's your house as well, Jay", Ahin said as Jay's lips made a straight line as he settled down

Jay intently looked at Ahin as she was too focused on her work, not noticing Jay's stare. Jay felt bad for what he did yesterday, he didn't mean to invade Ahin's personal life.

He was just little too worried about her as he saw her red and puffy eyes

He just wanted to ask her gently but his voice came out a little too loud for night time

His gaze was apologetic, as he saw her work. He didn't want to waste more time, he knew if he wants their relation to build he has to take the first step

"I'm sorry abo-"

"I'm sorry tha-"

They both looked into each other eyes as they both chuckled, understanding that they both were apologetic about yesterday

Ahin felt bad when she made her way towards her room, she knew he was worried about her but she was just not in the mood, she doesn't like when someone sees her cry, except for Hyosonn, now.

"I'm sorry about yesterday, I know I should have let you be, I was just worried, I thought something bad happened. I was not trying to invade your personal space", Jay said finally letting his feelings out

"I know, Jay. I'm more sorry, I know you were just worried about me. It's just- too much happened yesterday and I just felt embarrassed that you saw me", Ahin said letting it all out too

"Why is it embarrassing? It's actually cool that you can let your feelings out, that actually shows how strong you are", Jay said making Ahin feel comfortable

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