2~ The Gentle Way

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"It's been a week Ahin-a, when are you planning to come to school?" I really miss you. Please don't do this..."

It broke Ahin's heart to see her best friend so heartbroken with what she was planning to do

"I have to do this, Hyosonn-a and I'm very sorry that everything is happening so suddenly" replied Ahin desperately trying to convince her best friend of her sudden actions

"Atleast give me your new address so I can come meet you. What are you trying to do? Why would you sell the only house that had memories of you and your family? I genuinely can't understand you", asked Hyosonn from the other side of the call

Ahin sighed not knowing how to explain it to Hyosonn. "You'll understand me one day and you'll know why I'm trying to do everything this way, well, I need to leave, I'll contact you soon" Ahin said hanging up the call

She got ready to leave for the police station. It's been a week since Ahin has been going to the police station and protesting in front of the station to continue the investigation but there has been no response

She comes back home tiredly and then goes back the next day. It's been exhausting but she has to do this to for her family, they deserve justice

Ahin got ready to leave when she received a text from Hyosonn

I have some great news, please let's meet soon, remember I was trynna tell you about it but then everything happened, I hope atleast this news can brighten your day a little bit

Sure. I'll try to come early today. Take care.

Sure. Be careful, don't get hurt. ♡

Ahin locked her doors and made her way to the police station. Her mind already exhausted thinking about the same routine being repeated, she walked down the road.

Stopping at the pedestrian crossing at the red light, she took out her phone trying to see if anyone texted her but no one had

She walked down the pedestrian crossing, her phone still in her hand she bumped into someone, "Oh, I'm so sorry" said Ahin as her phone fell out of her hand

She bowed multiple times to the person but the person replied, "It's not that big deal, you know?" Ahin stopped and looked at him confused with his words

She bend down and picked her phone "Is it working?", asked the young boy

"Yeah, thank you" said Ahin walking away not even bearing another glance to the boy.

As Ahin did the same routine shouting,"WE NEED JUSTICE! WE NEED JUSTICE" not caring about the glances she got from the passerby and did her own thing

But something unusual happened with her today

The same man that was the culprit of it all dared to come to the police office again. She glared the man as he smirked seeing Ahin being pathetic and even thinking she'll get justice

All the officers came out of the office and greeted the young man. "Mr. Oh, how kind of you to visit our office.", said the one of the officers that seemed like he was the one with the highest position of all

Mr. Oh, replied "Oh, of course. I have to come to make sure these people don't get to ruin you all", he said glancing at Ahin as she scoffed at his words

She shouted, "WE NEED JUSTICE FROM PEOPLE LIKE YOU", she said pointing at Mr. Oh as the people walking by whispered something to each other and giving concerned glances

Mr. Oh chuckled and was pissed off at Ahin. He said something to one of the officers and walked in the station

Ahin continued screaming 'We need justice' when one of the officers tried to grab her and take her away from the office

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