19~ It's Okay To Continue

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"He's not in his room", Jake said making his way to the sofa. It was 11 in the morning and Jay and Ahin had still not woken up. They decided to let Ahin sleep in since she has been looking off these days. Jake decided to wake Jay up but he wasn't in his room.

"Wait... what if?" Sunghoon said smirking looking at others as a smirk formed on their faces as well. They all made their way upstairs towards Ahin's room. They knocked thrice but with no response they slowly opened the door and peaked in.

They all giggled softly as they saw the scene in front of them unfold. They saw Jay and Ahin sleeping together in each other's arms. Niki pulled out his phone and sneakily took a picture of them.

They decided to just let them be and made their way downstairs before closing the door. "I can't believe this is happening so fast" Sunoo said blushing remembering the scene. "I know, I thought they'd still take their time to be doing this" Jake said with a big smile on his face happy for his best friend.

"Well, thank God they did. Otherwise we don't know how long they would have taken to just confess to each other", Sunghoon said shaking his head knowing his best friend very well.

"I wonder if they did more than that" Niki said surprising everyone as they widened their eyes. Sunoo started tickling Niki, "What do you mean by that? Huh?" Niki started laughing as he tried to stop Sunoo, who wouldn't budge.

"Okay, enough. Let's not make too much noise. Sunghoon, how about your special coffee today? I feel like having it" Heeseung said looking at Sunghoon. Sunghoon smiled, "Why not?", he said and made his way towards the kitchen.

"Oh, my God! How do we get down? They'll know if you go down that you were here" Ahin said pacing around the room. "Don't worry, even if they know it's alright, we're dating, remember?" Jay said trying to calm his girl down.

Ahin looked at him and sighed. "But-" she got cut off by Jay, "No buts, they're gonna know eventually" Jay said narrowing his eyes making Ahin chuckle.

"Alright, so you make your way down and I'll be there in a minute after taking a shower" Ahin said. "Okay, hurry up" Jay said getting up from the bed and giving her a hug, he made his way downstairs.

"He's here", Sunoo said trying not to blush as they all tried to focus on their own things as Sunghoon made coffee in the kitchen. Jay made his way straight towards his room and closed the door immediately.

"Well, that was indeed awkward" Jay said as he sighed and made his way towards the bathroom to take a shower.

"Morning, people" Jay said as he settled in his seat. They all just nod their head trying their best not to burst out laughing. "How was last night?" Jake asked smirking.

"It was good. I mean, I know you might have already guessed it I was in her room that's probably why you're asking but yeah, it was good" Jay said looking at Jake.

Everyone burst out laughing, Jay looked at them confused not understanding what was so funny about it. "I guess you do blurt out everything if you've done something weird" Sunghoon said placing everyone's coffee on the table.

"What do you mean?" Jay asked furrowing his eyebrows. "I meant the cleaning up part, it was your turn to do the dishes yesterday. But I guess that's good to know as well" Heeseung said sipping his coffee.

Jay rolled his eyes as he took a sip of coffee as well. Ahin walked to the table confused why everyone was laughing. "Oh, your coffee's in the kitchen, Ahin" Sunghoon said settling down.

Ahin gave him a smile and picked her coffee and made her way back to the table and settled next to Jay as they both smiled at each other.

Ahin sipped her coffee and widened her eyes, "Oh my god! Who made this?" Ahin said looking at everyone. "Well, I did. Something's wrong?" Sunghoon asked hesitantly.

"Well, everything's wrong" Ahin said making everyone glanced at each other as Sunghoon sighed, "It's wrong that you don't have your own café and people can't taste this masterpiece" Ahin said smiling making everyone sigh in relief especially Sunghoon.

"You really scared me, Ahin" Sunghoon said chuckling. "No but really, you should really open your own café. You'd kill as a barista, you're definitely not planning to be in this field anyways" Ahin said.

Sunghoon gave her a small smile as she put him in deep thought. "Well, that's actually right. You should do it, you're pretty good" Heeseung said as everyone agreed with him.

"This is what I'm talking about, thank god, I got that video and had it uploaded" Oh Nam Sun beemed with happiness reading all of the comments under the articles, about the interview Ahin had the other day.

'Does she expect us to believe her?

'We know what kind of person Oh Nam Sun is, he would never do anything like this'

'I just knew the moment I saw her that she was here to just ruin a good man's career'

"I made the person upload the video so that I could be the victim and I guess it worked" Oh Nam Sun said pacing around the room the smile not leaving his lips for even a second.


Ahin sighed making her way to the sofa. She settled down and saw Jake watching soccer videos on his phone. "Are you interested in soccer?" Ahin asked making Jake excited.

"Of course, I was the best in high school but then I decided to give up to be here" Jake said a little glimpse of sadness on his face. Ahin noticed it and smiled, "You can still continue now, you know" Ahin said making Jake look at her surprisingly.

His gaze lowered at the mention of continuing soccer. Jake always wanted to be a professional soccer player until he became friends with Jay and saw what he did for the living.

He just wanted to support his best friend in what he does and then he saw that it's not only about killing people but killing people who actually deserve to die. Jake quit playing soccer as his parents were against it anyways and joined Mr. Yang.

He lied to his parents that he's working when he gave his parents money, the money he earned killing people. Jake never thought of continuing soccer ever again.

He closed the chapter of soccer and just decided to see it once in a while when he needed break. And now that Ahin's mentioning it again, it brought all the memories back.

"Jake?" Ahin tapped his shoulders seeing him zone out. Jake looked at her and smiled. "I don't think I'll ever do that" Jake said leaning back in the sofa. "Why not? You have to get out of this anyways. Jake, I don't know anything that you felt.

All I know and see is your passion for soccer. And I know when you'll be in your deathbed ready to die, you'll look back at this moment and think to yourself, you had the chance but you were just too scared to start again. It's okay to continue, even if you made the decision to leave it, Jake" Ahin said.

Jake looked at her intently, his eyes getting a little teary. Jake smiled at her, "I'll definitely give it a thought, Ahin. Thank you" Jake said as Ahin smiled back at him and pat his shoulders.

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