*UPDATED*Headcannons(sorry, lmao)

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Ik I said I would start writing but like- there's headcannons I have that might make the ships make more sens (y'all don't have to request ships if you don't want. Like, it could just be Shuri and vine hanging out)
Oh yeah- I hc that they all have tails.
Sword: bro has wings— LET ME EXPLAIN. Illumina briefly turned Sword into one of his Followers (Phollowers? Idk) So Venomshank had to hunt down Illumina and Sword, fight both of them bc pissed off dad. And then turn sword back to normal. But he kept his wings for some reason (Venomshank didn't mean for Sword to keep his wings) He's actually rather fit and his arms and chest has light but long scars from how often he spars with Venomshank. He doesn't get mad easily but is kinda scary when he does. Also cuddly af.

Skateboard: idk??? He has ADHD or smth. Bros wifi is fast or some shit— I don't really have headcannons for him. Bro likes sonic 100%. Uses a lot of slang and is a bit arrogant when it comes to challenges. He also boasts whenever he does a particularly cool trick. Prefers not to talk about the time he face planted in the mall. Complains that he lost focus whenever he dies and is also the type of person to just hunt down whoever killed him if they're annoying enough/ have good aim *hyperlaser couch cough*

Pitbull—I MEAN BIOGRAFT—: not many headcannons- uh, when they overheat Subspace has to replace their damn crystal and it takes awhile. Betagrafts overheat more quickly, they're bulky. But also do more damage. (CHAINSAWS.) Biofloaty? Floatiegraft??? WHATS THE SKIN CALLED— Uh- they're the one type of bio that likes water slides. Also they ended up making toy-duck squeaky noises one day and Subspace thought it was funny so he didn't change it. (I just realized I said not many headcannons, I'm coming up with these on the spot, lol)  biocarved tear through enemies more easily but die fucking q u i c k. Bc they're pumpkin. (Sorry, it keeps autocorrecting their to they're) also they glow less than the other bios. COCOAGRAFT. (I love their skin design bro) Subspace gave them scarves and mits as a joke but when he tried to take them off the Bio tried killing him. Also they Steam (cannon in its design) when they overheat.

Katana:  he's scarred everywhere although it's light. His face has the worst of it. katana hates scythe and doesn't think much of Lost Temple in general, although he's fine with med' and sword. He has Lost Temple's symbol branded on his back which is part of the reason he left. Absolutely despises the 'Family'. (I think the branded thing is canon, it's in one of soda's designs

Banhammer: (WHO THE FUCK'S IDEA WAS IT TO MAKE HIM HOT D:<) uh- a couple scars from when he first became banlands warden and the prisoners thought it would be smart to fight back (it wasn't) He 100% golf's with Windforce and occasionally uses the prisoners as the golf ball. Bro gladly will torture the prisoners too. Banhammer is the one who destroyed Brokers nerves since how much they've fought. Treats Voidstar as if they're the most precious thing in the world. Will not hesitate to sic them on prisoners. Plays electric guitar.

Rocket: he can take off his prosthetics although prefers to keep 'em on. He still occasionally has nightmares about him losing his limbs. Uh- he was a smol orphan rat creature (no he wasn't, he was an orphan, yes, but still a normal demon) until Zuka took him in. He tolerates it when Broker is with Zuka. He WILL cuddle people whether they like it or not. He's stubborn (not as much as Ban') and uh- when he was young he LOVED destroying anything he can get his hands on. Such as Zukas hat. Or Zukas other hat. Or Zukas other other hat. Or Zukas backup hat. Or Zukas other backup hat. Or Zukas backup hat for his backup h— (I'm sorry I had to)

Slingshot: loves cats (no shit) wore a maid dress as a joke, got into it. Showed up at his cafe wearing it with STYLE. Became a regular thing for him. Also cuddly although when he's had enough of the cuddles he will hiss. Bc cat. (And if the cuddles don't stop he will bite. Because I have a cat who is an asshole but I love her very much and I thought it would be funny to make slingshot even more catlike) He is on the Gordon Ramsey level of baking. Except that one time when Shuri burned the pastries because he was more focused on the fact that one of the SFOTH deitiy's were in the café (totally icedagger. Fluffy little moth boi) unintentionally kneads things when he's comfortable and it became a bad habit of his to say 'nyaw'

Phighting stuff, idk, lolWhere stories live. Discover now