Chapter 1

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I finished getting ready to head to the Walter's house. I looked around the house before leaving but I guess my mom left for work already. I looked around and saw a note.
"You're leaving" My sister lupe asked
"Yea" I replied
"you're going to the walter's?" My sister Cilla added
"Yea. I'll probably stay over" I said
"be safe" Cilla replied
"let us know when you get there" Lupe added
I grabbed my keys and got in my car heading to the Walter's.

I reached the house and Isaac opened the door for me
"Finally you're here Nova"
"Yea you took forever" Alex rolled his eyes
"You could've came and picked me up" I told both boys before Isaac wrapped me into a hug before Alex
"We got news" Isaac said
"We got someone new coming to the house. She's gonna be staying with us" Alex said smiling
"That's cool. I'm hungry" I said
Isaac put his arm over my shoulder and we walked inside. I sat down and Alex made me a sandwich. I sat down and started eating it and fed Isaac a piece of it. After I was done eating we went to the living room. I sat down and Isaac pushed Alex to sit down next to me as he sighed
"Dude she's my best friend" Alex scoffed before shoving Isaac and sitting
"So she likes me more" Isaac smiled
He placed a pillow on his legs and I laid on it going on my phone
"You don't wanna play Nov?" Alex asked
"Nah not right now. Plus I don't want anybody getting their butts beaten by me" I laughed
"It was one time!" Isaac yelled
The boys started playing their game and I continued laying on Isaac. We heard the door open and George came in with a girl who looked our age.
"Oh hey guys. Hey guys" He yelled
"Idiots George is talking to you" I yelled
They both looked over
"Thank you Nova. Can you guys stop that for a second?" George asked
The boys paused the game and Alex stood up. I sat up and fixed myself
"This is Jackie. Jackie that's Alex and Isaac. That's their friend Nova" He said
"What's up?" Isaac said
"finally a female our age" I said
"Hey!" Isaac said hurt
I looked over at Alex who stood frozen
"You okay A?" I whispered
"Got another bag if you can go grab it" George told the boys
"Uh yea. Yea sure thing" Alex said as he finally snapped out of his daze
He walked away towards Jackie and said hi holding his hand out. She replied then walked away smiling. I looked at Alex
"What was that about?" I asked
"I don't know" He replied
He walked out the living room
"I think he's gonna like her" I said
"Probably" Isaac replied
I scrolled through facebook and saw a picture of my stupid ex
"Carlos has a new girlfriend?" he asked
"I guess so. It's the same girl he told me not to worry about but it's cool" I said
"Don't worry about it. You got me. That's what friends are for" He replied
"Yea. Friends" I said before walking out
I went outside and sat by the pool. I saw Jackie come out with Will.
"Hey everyone this is Jackie" Will yelled
"I already met Nova" she smiled
Everyone else greeted her as I scrolled through facebook. Cole came out the pool and I saw Jackie eyeing him
"Wanna introduce yourselves?"
"She'll figure it out" Cole smirked
I looked at him and rolled my eyes
"The egotistic one is" I said
"That's Cole" Will finished
Jordan ran to her and started circling her
"Um hi?" She said confused
"Jordan. Aspiring film director" I said
"Leave her alone, Jordan. Come on" Will said shooing Jordan off
Albert came out the pool and shook off soaking Jackie in the process
"Albert no" Will yelled
Jackie wiped off her face
"I'm so sorry. Here" He said handing her a towel
"It's okay. I'm fine" She said frantically
"You know what come on. I'll show you to your room upstairs" Will said
I stayed by the pool for a little bit before heading up and bringing Jackie's bookbag before the boys got to it. I knocked on her door.
"come in" She said
"Hey you left your book bag downstairs. I wouldn't want the boys messing it up they hardly ever watch where they're going" I said handing it to her
"Thanks. Are you here a lot?" She asked
"Most of the time. My dad passed away 2 years ago and my mom is always working so I come over here to hang out with Isaac and Alex" I said
"How long have you and Isaac been dating?" She said smiling
"Oh no i'm not dating.." I said nervous
"Oh i'm sorry are you dating Alex. It's just I saw you laying on Isaac's lap" She said
"Alex is my best friend. I'm close with Isaac so we all hang out. I like Isaac but he doesn't know" I said
"Well your secrets safe with me" She smiled before sitting on her bed
"Thanks. If you ever need a friend i'm here." I said
"Oh by the way I love your hair" she smiled
"Thank you. I like yours too" I replied
"There you are!" Isaac said pulling me to lean back on him
"Yea. What's up" I said trying to hide my blush
"Alex was asking where you went" He said before putting his arm over me
"Oh. I'll see you around Jackie" I said
The rest of the day I hung out with Jackie helping her unpack. We pretty much got everything done but we hadn't moved anything out of the room. Katherine came up so I gave them some space and went back downstairs. I sat next to Alex.
"Since when have you liked Isaac" He asked before looking at me
"What?" I asked
"I went upstairs to give Jackie a box and heard you tell her" He said
"Shit. I didn't wanna tell you cause he's your cousin" I said
"Dude we're best friends we tell eachother everything" he said holding my hand
"I don't think he feels the same. I saw Carlos's new post with the girl and he said I have him that's what friends are for" I said looking down then at Isaac
"He's stupid if he doesn't. Plus you never know what the future holds" He said



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My life with Isaac Garcia Where stories live. Discover now