Chapter 9

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I drove to the Walter's house and walked inside. I hugged Katherine and sat
"I brought bagels since you guys were running out and I got fruit" I said
"You didn't have to" Kat said
"I had to stop at the store before coming here for some lunch stuff" I replied
I sat down next to Isaac
"Wait seriously Lee? That's what your having for breakfast?" Kat said
"It's a ham and mushroom pizza. It's like, all the food groups" Lee replied
I laughed softly at his response
I saw Jackie walk in and smile
"Morning" She said
"morning Jackie" Kat replied
"Morning Jay. I got you some strawberries." I said
"Oh I got you some more tea bags" Kat added looking at her teapot
"What's with the teapot" Isaac said
I smacked him upside the head
"Ow!" He said looking at me
"It was her sisters. Today is her birthday" I said softly glaring at him
Luckily Jackie didn't hear him. Parker went by the sink and knocked the teapot into it breaking it
"Parker be careful" Kat yelled
"It was an accident!" Parker defended
"Oh god. I'm so sorry" Kat said
"It's okay" Jackie replied
I looked at her with a soft gaze and went up into Isaac's room. I came back down
"I got it" Cole said
Katherine thanked him and went to check on Jackie. I walked up to Cole
"Here's some glue for it" I said
He looked at me
"You don't know how many times my little brother used to knock down the vases in my house" I added
"Your little brother?" Jackie asked
"He was with my dad when the drunk driver hit them" I said
"Neither of them made it" Alex added
"I know how you feel Jackie. I lost my dad and sibling and I can't imagine what you're going through but i'm here if you ever need to talk" I said
We got in the car and drove to school

I waited for Isaac to get out of class but he was taking too long. I saw Jackie go in the bathroom earlier but never saw her come out. I went into the bathroom and fixed my makeup when I saw the stupids come in and I walked into a stall
"You're really going without me" Paige asked her friend
"Sorry you weren't invited. But Dylan is looking extra tasty today and i'm looking equally as hot so it's Darwinism" Her friend replied
"I really need someone new to flirt with" Paige replied
"Except that Jackie girl is like cornering the market on all the available boys" Her friend replied
I scoffed under my breath
"You think she's pretty" Paige asked
"You don't have to be pretty when you're new. Boys love novelty. But novelty wears off" her friend replied
"Yea well plus that whole helpless orphan thing. Like she won the lottery when her parents died." Paige said
"and they were rich too weren't they" Her friend asked
"Yea" Paige replied snarky
"So she like literally won the lottery" Her friend said
I came out the stall and walked over
"First of all you dumb ass sluts. She isn't pretty she's beautiful. She's more than just a pretty face which neither of you can say about yourselves. Second she didn't win shit when she lost her family. You wouldn't know how it feels but since mommy and daddy give you everything you wouldn't survive how she is. Third and last they like her cause she doesn't open up her legs to every boy she interacts with. Plus she doesn't brother hop like Paige over here. Ima say one last thing and I want this to be crystal clear. Next time I hear you say anything about Jackie or even breathe in her direction wrong I will kick both of your asses to the point you won't ever wanna show your face in this school" I said
They both looked at me in fear and ran out the bathroom
"Jackie I know you're in here. Take a breath gather yourself and i'll see you later" I said walking out
as I walked out I bumped into Carlos
"Why are you saying stuff to my sister" He said
"Cause she's being a bitch. Plus she's your step sister" I said
"So watch how you talk to her" He replied
"Or else what Carlos. You're gonna hit me again?" I asked
"Look we need to go into a room and talk about that" He asked
"No" I said turning around
He grabbed my wrist and turned me back
"Come on Nova" He said
"Carlos you're hurting me" I said
"I said let's go" he said tightening his grip
"She said no" Cole said grabbing his arm
He let me go and scoffed walking away
"Thanks Cole" I said
"Don't mention it. I heard what you did for Jackie" He said
"Anytime" I said walking away

I was sitting debating on skipping class when Isaac came up to me
"Why didn't you tell me?" He said mad
"about?" I said
"Carlos grabbing you" he said
"Wait how do you know?" I asked
"Cole told me" he replied
"Shit babe. I'm sorry I didn't wanna worry you" I said
"I'm gonna go" Skylar said
"I'll see you later" I said
Skylar left but before me and Isaac could talk about it Jackie texted that Cole took her to some thing and the girls who don't like her were there
"I know your pissed but Jackie needs us to go get her" I said
"but" He said
"We could talk about this later give me a second" I said
I called someone who could get me out of class for the rest of the day
"I need you to call the school and tell them your pulling me and Isaac out of school for the rest of the day. Make it sound like an emergency."
"Please Pricilla" I begged
"Fine i'll text you when it's done"
I hung up and we went to my car. 2 minutes later she texted me saying we were free to go. We drove to the place

We got to the place and realized Jackie had been drinking.
"Jackie?" I asked
"Nova!" She yelled
"Do you still wanna leave" I asked
"No i'm great" She laughed
"We could stay for a bit" Isaac said
"Wanna go make out?" I asked
He grabbed my hand and we went up to a room. I sat him on the bed and sat on his lap kissing him. He smiled into the kiss but kissed back. He put his hand on my jaw and deepend the kiss. He slid his tongue on my bottom lip asking for an entrance which I gladly gave him. Our tongues fought for dominance. He turned me over and laid me down. He pulled off my hoodie and kissed my neck leaving small marks. I tuned him back around and started kissing his neck leaving darker marks than he left. He interlocked his hands with mine as I kissed him passionately. He looked down at my arm



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