Chapter 15

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Today was court day. I didn't know it would happen this quick and I felt like my heart was gonna bust out my chest. The party was 3 weeks ago and my lip wasn't fully healed. Thanksgiving was tomorrow and I tried covering up my lip during school but it was no use and everyone saw it. After the party meeting up with the lawyer was every day. We had witnesses and the lawyer said it'll help my case. Grace said she'd testify and we made up and have gotten closer than ever. I got ready and Isaac made me breakfast.
"I know your nervous but i'll be there the whole way" Isaac said
"You got this Nov" Lee added
"yea it's gonna be okay" Isa said
I looked at them and gave a smile. The walter's came over and it was time to go to the courthouse. I had all my friends and my family there. I was nervous but i'm glad I have support if this this goes bad. I walked out the house and Isaac took the keys. I looked at him with confusion
"I'm not letting you drive. You're nervous and distracted" He said before opening the passenger door for me
I kissed him then got in and we left

We got to the court room and sat down. I watched all of Carlos' friends sit on his side. His mom and sister followed closely behind them. I watched Taliyah walk in with him and both of them looked at me. I noticed Carlos eye still looked bruised and his fists were still busted. I was called up to the stand and I sat down feeling like I was gonna have a heart attack. I looked over at Isaac who mouthed "You got this" with a reassuring smile. I gulped
"Tell us Ms.Martinez. How did your relationship start with Mr.Vasquez?" Carlos lawyer asked
"I started dating Carlos 2 years ago when I first moved here. At first everything was amazing and then we got into our first real argument" I said
"What was the argument about" The lawyer asked
"I had caught him talking to another girl and I got upset. We were arguing and then he hit me for the first time." I said
"You were upset at him correct?" The lawyer asked
"I was" I replied
"You said he hit you that day. Was there any visible proof that he did?" She asked
"Yes. My eye was bruised" I replied
"You went to school the next day and you didn't have any markings. Yet you had a picture that you took 2 days later with a visible bruise" She said
"I covered it with makeup." I said
"Maybe you did. Or maybe you lied about it because you caught him with someone else" She said
"I never lied about it" I replied
"Okay. Next question. You claimed that my client forced you into sexual intimacy correct?" She asked
"Yes ma'am" I replied
"Tell me more about that" She said
"We were at a party and he was drinking. We got back to my house and he wouldn't stop trying to get me to sleep with him but I kept saying no. He finally got tired of asking and pushed me on the bed and got on top of me" I replied tearing up
"Were you drinking that day?" She asked
"I was but I wasn't drunk" I said
"hmm. No more questions" She replied
I sat back down and Carlos got up to the stand. He smiled at his boys then me
"Mr.Vasquez. Tell me about your relationship with Ms.Martinez" she asked
"It started off simple. She was the new girl in town. I liked her but i've always noticed something off about her. I thought she was still coping about her father and brothers death but it never went away. In fact it got worst" He said
"What do you mean?" she asked
"She was very jealous. I would talk to females as friends and she would get upset and cause arguments. One day the argument got so bad and she kept pushing me. I grabbed her arm and when she pulled back she hit herself and caused a bruise around her eye" He replied
"Did the arguments keep going like that?" His lawyer asked
"Yes. There was one time she pulled away from me when I was trying to calm her down and fell back into the table. She hurt her back" He replied
"What about the time she fractured her wrist?" She asked
"she was drinking and we had gotten into a argument. She kept pushing me and she tried again but I moved over and she fell but was too drunk to catch herself" He replied
"Ms. Martinez claims you raped her. Is that true" She asked
"No. If anything she engaged in it first. She would be all over me. I mean look at her you could guess what type of girl she is already" He said
"No more questions." She said
They called the walter's to the stand 1 by 1 asking them if they ever saw Carlos be aggressive to me. Each of them said yes but not first hand. The lady said it wasn't enough that they had to see it first hand.

The last person was up and it was Grace. She went to the stand and sat down. The lawyer looked at her standing up
"I'd like you to tell me what you witnessed between mr.Vasquez and ms.Martinez." She said
"It was the day of our homecoming party. Nova had called me saying she was scared because Carlos was yelling at her and he was drunk. I was on facetime with her and then Carlos came into the room. He asked why she wasn't undressed and when she said she didn't wanna sleep with him he smacked her. She started crying and he hit her again for crying. He held her down and started taking off her underwear as she cried and then started taking off his own. I screamed stop and he hung up the phone" Grace said
"I am ready to look over everything and decide the verdict" The judge said

We came back into the room and sat down waiting for the judge to walk in. She walked in and I grabbed Isaac and Isa's hand. She sat down and we all looked at her waiting for her to say something
"I have the verdict. After considering the evidence we have found sufficient proof to find in favor of the plaintiff, Ms Nova Martinez. I am sentencing Mr. Vasquez 2 years in juvenile detention and when he is released he will attend anger management. Adjourned" She said
Tears started filling my eyes
"We won?" I said
"You won!" Isaac yelled
He hugged me tightly as I began crying
"You won baby. I'm so proud of you" He said crying too
They took Carlos away and we left to celebrate. It was all over now and I got my justice



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