Chapter 5

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I woke up this morning and got ready. I hated that I wasn't cool with Isaac at the moment but everything was just so overwhelming with him. I drove to school and got out of the car. I walked up to Alex and hugged him softly
"I'm sorry about everything that happened with Carlos yesterday" He said
"I wish he would've defended me" I said looking down
"Want me to walk you to class?" He asked
"No it's okay. I don't wanna make you late. Plus I have to reread my paper to make sure it's okay" I said
"Let me read it" He said
Before I could say no he snatched it from my hand and started reading it. Immediately his face fell into a frown and his eyes teared up. He kept reading and I felt him face get sadder. He looked up
"I never knew you felt like this" He said
"I don't talk about it but it's how I feel most days" I said
"This is really something" Alex said
"Yea I should get to class" I said walking off before he said something else
The bell rang and I noticed extra seats in our classroom. I looked around confused
"Good morning class. Today the other english class will be joining us today as they did the same project" the teacher said before the other class came in
I watched Isaac sit down on a chair and Kiley sit next to me. The teacher sat her desk and grabbed a cup. She made us write down our names and put them into the cup. She shook all the names.

"The last person until after our 15 min break is...." She pulled out the first name "Nova"
I looked at her wide eyed and gulped
"Go on Nova the class is waiting" She said
"Okay" I said
I was never scared to speak infront of the class but Isaac was there and so was my ex. I felt so nervous my stomach turned. I walked up to the front and cleared my throat before taking a deep breath
"Dear Nova,
Our assignment was to write an apology to someone and I chose us and we both know we've been through a lot. I wanna start of by saying sorry for putting you through it. We've gotten our heart broken so many times and it's my fault. I'm sorry I let us wait for people who aren't coming. I'm sorry for blaming you for mom never being home. I'm sorry for blaming you for feeling like we don't belong with our sisters. I'm sorry I never put us first even when our heart is broken. I'm sorry for giving people chance after chance when they don't care about us. I'm sorry for never realizing how much we needed to feel. I'm sorry for hating you for being human. I'm sorry that we love people who'd never feel how we do. I'm sorry for looking at us in the mirror and hating everything I see. I'm sorry for not accepting us for the way we are because other people haven't. I'm sorry for letting him hurt us continuously even after all the nights we spent crying. Every night he would hurt us I hated you more cause you loved him and i'm sorry. I'm sorry for loving too hard and letting our hearts get stomped on. I'm sorry for not being there for you when you needed me. I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I tried changing everything about us even though nothing is wrong with us. We are us and I should love that. I should take care of us no matter what and put us first. From now on I promise I will, even if it means losing the people closest to us. I won't ever put you last. I now realize you're the person I need to love most. I'm sorry for taking so long to realize that "
I looked at Isaac who was tearing up and sad. I looked at Carlos who everyone else was looking at since everyone knew he hurt me. He looked at me mad and then the bell rang. I grabbed my books and walked out. He stormed up to me
"Dude what the hell was that?!" he said
"Our assignment" I answered
"You act like i'm the bad guy. I never did anything to you but try loving you. You're lucky you had someone loving you then look where you are now!" He yelled
"Where am I now?" I asked
"nobody loves you and you don't have a boyfriend cause you're a loser" He said
"Actually she does have a boyfriend" Isaac said coming up behind me
"Play along" He said whispering in my ear
He pulled me closer to him and kissed me. HE KISSED ME ON THE LIPS
"By the way you're the loser. You missed out on someone amazing for someone who slept with half the school already. Nova's amazing and you don't deserve her or her tears. You're a fucking idiot. Any guy who knew the real her would fall in love with her" He yelled
"I don't believe you're dating" he said
"We don't have to prove anything to you" I said before taking Isaac's hand and walking back to class

the 15 minute break was over and Carlos decided not to come back to class. The teacher shook the cup again and pulled
"Isaac. You're next" She said
Isaac got infront of the class and looked at me before looking at his paper
"Dear beautiful,
I'm sorry I haven't been completely honest with you. I hurt you and it's not okay. I'm sorry for not telling you how I felt the moment I realized what it was. Truth is I was scared you didn't feel the same. I was so scared I would lose you that I didn't even think I was hurting you. I do feel the same and I have for a while but I let you get hurt by someone who was stupid. I should've stuck up for you and I didn't cause I was worried you'd find out about my feelings. I'm sorry for not paying attention to yours. I wanna be better for you and I wanna make you happy cause you and I know you've been through a lot. I wanna be that person who makes everything better. I'm sorry for not telling you that and it might be too late now. I'm sorry for not being there for you lately. I should be there all the time like you are for me. I promise i'll be better for you."
The teacher looked at him and smiled
"That was beautiful and I hope whoever that was for gives you a chance" She said
I looked at Kiley who was smiling at me
"Omg! He is in love with you!" She said
"Dude shush he'll hear you" I said
Class was over and I headed to my locker. All my friends rushed over to me and bombarded me. I backed up
"We all heard and saw the video!" Skylar said shaking me
"There's a video?" I asked

After all my friends asking questions I noticed Isaac coming over to me
"Hey" I said
"Hey um I have something for you" He replied before going into his book bag
He pulled out red roses with small white flowers and handed them to me
"These were apology roses but they're for something different now" He said
"What for?" I asked
"Nova will you be my girlfriend" he asked
"Really?" I asked
"I should've asked you the moment I found out you liked me but Jackie pulled you into the bathroom and then I was scared to ask. So will you" He asked
"Yes" I said hugging him
He pulled my chin up and kissed me



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That's the last chapter for today

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That's the last chapter for today. I'll try updating every day but I hope you enjoyed my first chapters

My life with Isaac Garcia Where stories live. Discover now