Chapter 26

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We all arrived at the place and got out the car. I was so nervous and excited at the same time. I had been talking to my favorite artist all week and we had became friends within a week but I still was a fan girl over her. I looked at Isa
"I can't believe this is happening" She squealed
"Me neither. It feels like a dream" I smiled
"Well are we just gonna stand here or are you gonna go meet your idol Nov" Isaac asked opening the door for me
I took a deep breath and walked in seeing a lot of people inside. My breath hitched and I grabbed the first hand that was near me. I felt cold rings touch my hand and looked up at the person and blushed
"Sorry Isaac. I grabbed the closest hand" I said letting go of him
"It's no problem" He replied looking down at our hands
I soon saw Billie in the crowd and she looked at me and smiled widely
"You're here. Holy shit you have a huge group!" She smiled
She walked over and hugged me. I could swear I didn't breath and froze solid
"Are you gonna introduce us?" She smiled
"Oh yea sorry. This is my cousin Isa and my best friend Lee" I smiled
"It is so great to meet you" Isa smiled
"Thank you for inviting us!" Lee added
"This is Cole Alex and Jackie" I said
"Hi! I'm such a fan!" Jackie squealed
"Thank you so much" Billie replied
"It's nice to meet you" Alex said
"Thank you for having us" Cole added
"This is Cole and Alex's brother Nathan and my friend Skylar" I smiled
"You are such an icon!" Skylar yelled
"It's nice to meet you" Nathan smiled
"Last but not least this is my boyfriend Jayden and....." I started
I couldn't figure out what to call Isaac. Billie knew the name cause we talked about him but I didn't even know if we were friends at this point.
"This is my twin brother Isaac" Lee finished
"Whats up" Isaac said
"It's great to meet you all. Nova talks about you Walter's all the time. Jayden you're a lucky man" Billie smiled
"I know right. Thanks for having us" Jayden smiled at her
"Ima steal Nova for a bit and we'll be back. There are drinks and snacks on the snack table" Billie smiled
Before they could reply she pulled me to the back and looked at me confused
"What?" I asked
"You brought your ex?!" She smiled
"Oh um yea. We're on okay terms and he loves your music. We used to have dates where we would just sit by the water and listen to your music" I said
"Dude he's cute and so is Jayden" Billie smiled widely
(I'm gonna change the age of Billie. This story is set in 2020 and she's gonna be 17 turning 18)
"I know and he was acting so sweet today. I know i'm supposed to hate him but today he showed me the old him. He made me breakfast and borrowed me his chain" I groaned
"Dude I would love to have 2 hot guys fighting over me" She laughed
"I wish I could just love one of them. It's so complicated they're so different but each has everything I want in a relationship" I complained
"Dude that must suck" She frowned
"It does but enough of my relationship drama this night is about you" I smiled
"Bro i'm so nervous" She looked at me
"It's gonna go great!" I smiled
"I'm gonna make you sing with me by the end of the day" She smiled back
"Omg i'd die" I yelled
"What's your favorite song from me?" She asked
"Lovely and ilomilo" I replied
"We're singing lovely" She cheered
"Really? You'd sing with me?" I squealed
"Yes. You have an amazing voice" She yelled
We went back to the party and danced a bit to some of her old songs. I made sure to take a bunch of pictures and videos to remember this night. Billie pulled out her phone and looked at me Isa and jackie
"Do you guys know how to do tiktok dances?" She asked
"Yea why?" I replied
"We're doing one" Billie smiled
"Which one" Isa asked
"The tell your gf one" Billie smiled
"I don't know how to move my butt" Jackie said shyly
"Neither do I. We could just have Isa and Nova do it and we'll face front?" She replied looking at me and Isa
"Yea I know how to do that dance" Isa said
"me too" I smiled
We did the tiktok and did a bunch more. We posted it tagging Billie and it was time for me to go sing with her! We got up on the stage and the song started playing

(She sang Khalid's part)
After the song ended everyone clapped and Billie said she recorded it and posted it. She said I deserved to be noticed. Soon it was time for her to show us her new album. It was great but after a few songs I started feeling really dizzy
"Woah Nov are you okay" Lee asked
"I think I just need air" I replied
"Where's Jayden?" Isa asked
"He's in the bathroom" Cole replied
"I'll take her. Isa and Lee get her a ice pack and a water and meet me outside" Isaac said as he held my hand
We walked outside and Lee and Isa came with the stuff. I reached for it but something was wrong. The room got darker and soon it went completely black

Narrator pov:
Nova had fainted but Isaac grabbed her before she hit the floor. Isa and Lee screamed for Nova but she was out
"Call 911!" Isaac screamed
"What the hell happened?!" Jayden yelled
"She fainted!" Isa yelled
Soon they called the ambulance
"Nova please wake up!" Isaac cried
"Nova wake up" Isa shook her
"Nova please!" Lee cried
The ambulance came and they put her on a gurney. They looked at the teens
"Only 1 can fit with her"
"Me" Isaac quickly said
"Are you sure?" Isa said
"Call our parents tell them to meet us at the hospital. I don't want her waking up alone" Isaac said crying
"We need to hurry! She's going into V-fib!" The paramedic yelled
"Start CPR!" The other one yelled
"come in sweetie stay with us" She said
They reached the hospital and took her into a room. She wasn't in the worst shape anymore. Her family still wasn't there and Isaac hadn't left her side once. He sat next to her bed holding her hand as their families came in
"Oh mija" Her mom cried
"What happened?" Rose asked
"She got dizzy and fainted" Isaac replied
"Did she hit the floor?" Lupe asked
"she could've hit her head" Cilla added
"Isaac caught her before she hit the floor" Isa said
"Thank you Isaac" Her mom said
The doctor came in and looked at us
"Big family. I'm glad she has a big support" She smiled
"Whats wrong with her?" Katherine asked
"She had critically low blood sugar when she came in. She has hypoglycemia which is low blood sugar. You'll need to keep an eye on it cause it can be critical." the doctor responded
"what caused it" George asked
"We don't know. There's a lot of reasons she could've gotten it. We can't be sure. We ran tests on her and everything else looks normal" The doctor replied
"When is she gonna wake up?" Isaac asked
"We're not sure but we wanna keep her here overnight for tests" The doctor said
"Well go get stuff to stay here" Their parents said
"Only two of you can stay in the room with her" The doctor said
"We'll figure that out in a bit. Me and George are gonna get the younger kids to bed and call Will to come over." Katherine said
"Me and Cilla could go get stuff from the car to stay in the waiting room" Lupe said
"I have to go home" Skylar said
"I'll take you" Jayden said
"You're not staying" Lee asked
"I can't" Jayden said
"Why not?" Isa asked
"Come on Skylar" Jayden said walking out
All of the teens looked at him confused
"I'm staying in the room with her. I'm not leaving her side" Isaac said
"I'll stay too" Her mom said

Published May 21 2024

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