Chapter 7

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I spent after school with Jackie. I laid down on the floor looking through books
"So Tony's is in for 5 premium oil changes, Novas tias shop is in for a 3 hour all you can eat for 2" jackie said
"and Kiley just texted and said Monty's wants to donate an entire month of free pizza" I replied
"I wasn't expecting this level of support. Everyone here is much friendlier than back home" Jackie said
"Okay so when are we gonna take a break and do something fun" Grace said
"If this auction falls even a dollar short of our goal you know Erin will hold it over my head until we graduate" Jackie said
"Yea so you might as well have some fun now" Grace replied
"Thank you for the vote of confidence" Jackie said sarcastically
"I'll be back" I said
I walked out and went into Isaac's room
and got one of his hoodies. Ugh I can't wait till he's home. He went to the bakery with Lee and Alex. He's taking forever. I walked back into Jackie's room
"Kiss, Marry, Kill. Cole, Alex, Isaac" Grace said
"Grace!" Skylar yelled throw in a brush at her
"Dude seriously my boyfriend?" I said
"Why are you the way you are?" Skylar said
"Maybe cause my parents won't let me date and now you guys won't let me dream. Okay fine we can play again after you spend all day with Alex" Grace replied
"Leave me boyfriend out of it that's weird dude" I said
"Yea and Alex and I are just friends" Jackie said
"Well what is love is not a friendship fire. and it's not like you and Isaac are gonna last" Grace replied
"What?" I said
"Well you said the same thing about Carlos and then lost your virginity to him and then he cheated on you. You're damaged goods and Isaac is.... well hot you can't expect him to stay with you" She said without thinking
"Grace what the hell?!" Skylar yelled

Benny came in and had spilled paint on Skylar. I stood there speechless
"I brought you a coffee and muffin princess. I could..." Isaac said
He looked at the mess then into my eyes which were tearing up
"Nova? What's wrong?" He asked
I got up and rushed out the room and into the bathroom and started crying
"Baby please let me in" Isaac said
"She's right yknow" I said
"Who's right?" Isaac asked
"Grace" I replied
I opened the door and Isaac pulled me into his room where Alex was waiting for me. I sat down and Isaac used his sleeve amd cleaned up my mascara that was leaking down my eye from crying
"What happened?" Alex asked
"Grace wanted to play kiss marry kill and she said Isaac's name so I told her not to put his name in because he's my boyfriend" I said
"Yea that's weird" Isaac replied
"She said we wouldn't even last cause Carlos had sex with me then cheated and i'm damaged goods and she basically told me i'm not good enough for you" I said
Isaac crouched down infront of me
"Baby i'm not going anywhere. You're too good for me and you'll always be enough. I don't care about what happened in the past you're the one I wanna be with. Not anybody else" He relied
"I have to tell you guys something" I said
"what is it?" Alex said
"is it bad" Isaac added
"When I lost my virginity I wasn't ready. Carlos wouldn't stop asking and got mad every time I said no. He put his hands on me once and busted my lip so I didn't want to make him angry again. After the 5th time he asked he told me if I didn't he would cheat on me so I said yes" I said
"Nova..." Alex said
"I'm gonna kill him" Isaac said
Isaac grabbed me and held me tight and so did Alex. I cried in their arms
"He told me next time if he asks more than once he was gonna get mad" I said
"You're with me now and I promise I won't ever push you into something you're not ready for" Isaac said
"We'll protect you" Alex said

Alex left the room and ran me a warm bath. Before I got in we heard a knock at the door. I looked at Isaac and nodded
"come in" He said
The door opened revealing Jackie
"I'm so sorry. I heard what Grace told you and that was so not cool" She said
"It's not your fault" I said
"Plus she's wrong." Isaac said
"I love you two together and I wouldn't have answered that anyways. She has a crazy obsession with you guys and sometimes she goes overboard but she had no right saying that to Nova" Jackie replied coming and hugging me
"Thanks Jay" I said
"I will totally stop hanging out with her if you want" She said
"No it's okay. You're still new and need all the friends you can get but I won't be hanging around anymore unless she's not there" I said
"I'm sorry again. I'll give you two your space" She replied walking out
"I'll be in the room waiting for you" Isaac said
"no stay please" I said
"are you sure?" Isaac gulped
"You could leave if you don't feel comfortable" I said
"No it's okay but you'll be comfortable with me in here?" He asked
"Yea just stay by the sink" I replied
He looked away as I undressed and got into the shower. I sat down and covered myself with bubbles. He came and sat down by the bath looking at me in awe.
"Eyes up here Garcia" I joked
"My eyes are up there Martinez" He replied
"That's a surprise" I said
"You're beautiful why would I look anywhere else" He said
"You're perfect you know that" I said
"You are too" He said "Now let me wash your hair after I go get a towel"
He got up and walked out the bathroom and I sang along to the song playing on my phone

he came back in smiling at me
"What?" I asked
"I forget how beautiful you sing" he said kissing me softly

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