Chapter 38

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Everything worked itself out and the wedding was starting soon Isaac was missing again and I was too busy to look for him. I made sure everything was perfect and helped Haley get ready.
"All done" I said finishing her makeup
"You look beautiful" Cilla said
"Nova it's perfect" Haley said tearing up
"Hey no crying it'll ruin it" I smiled
"Don't you have the spray" lupe said
I grabbed it out of my bag and used it
"Okay now you could cry all you want" I smiled
"Nova it looks beautiful" Haley said
"That's all you" I smiled
She smiled and hugged me softly
"Thank you for all of this" She smiled
"We got you. You're apart of our big family now and we'll always be here" I smiled
"Soon this'll be you and Isaac" she said
"Maybe one day" I smiled
"It'll happen" Katherine said
"Okay i'll leave you guys to it and ima get ready" I smiled
I walked out the room and saw Isaac and Lee talking to Will and George
"Are you ready Isaac?" Will asked
"I'm so nervous but yea" He replied
I didn't wanna eavesdrop so I went into the room and started the shower up. I got into the shower and heard the door open. I saw Isaac getting undressed
"Hey what if I wanted alone time" I said
"We're saving water" He smiled
"No funny business Garcia" I said
"Why not" He complained
"We don't have time baby maybe later" I said
"Deal" He smiled
"What were you and the guys talking about?" I asked
"I can't tell you you'll have to wait and see" He said shampooing my hair
"Fineeee" I groaned
We quickly took a shower and got ready

Soon the wedding started and everyone started arriving. I looked around
"Everything looks so perfect" I smiled
"You and jackie did amazing" Isaac said
We grabbed our seats and waited
"You look beautiful" Lee said
"You look perfect prima" Isa smiled
"She really does" Isaac agreed
"You did great" Ismael said
We watched as Haley walked down
"I'm so happy for them" I said softly
"They look so happy" Isaac replied
"Welcome family and friends, we are here today to witness and celebrate the marriage of Haley Althea Young and William John Jefferson Walter. Haley and will have decided to embark on a new chapter of their lives. Today they will confirm that special bond and start their new lives together. We are all honored to be here and to behold the love for and the commitment to eachother"

Me and Isaac danced together as Isa and Lee danced too. Everything was perfect
"Nov it's time" Will said
I looked at Isaac and kissed him softly before walking over to the stage
"Before I start I just wanna say congratulations to Will and Haley. They were kind enough to let me sing something I wrote for the person who i've been in love with since i've met them. This is for someone really special to me and I hope we could be like Haley and Will one day. Isaac happy 1 year amor. And now for the bride and grooms first dance. I love you both"

After my song was done Isaac came and walked over with Haley and Will. Haley handed me the bouquet and I looked at her confused as they walked off
"My beautiful Nova, I love you with all my heart. You have brought so much light, love, and happiness into my life. You are my best friend, my partner, and my everything. It's impossible to express how much you mean to me in just a few words, but I want you to know that I'm grateful every day for the gift that you are. I have something special for you tonight."
Isaac pulled out a ring from his pocket and got on one knee
"This isn't just a ring, it's a symbol of my promise to love, cherish, and protect you always. It's a promise to be there for you in every moment, through good times and bad, to walk with you through life's adventures, and to always be your rock. Mi hermosa, I want you to always remember how special you are to me. This ring is a reminder of my love and my commitment to you. I promise to be the best boyfriend I can be, to support you, love you, and always be true to you. You are the most amazing person in the world, and I'm blessed to have you as my lover. Te amo mucho mi vida. We are young but I know I wanna spend the rest of my life with you. Nova Martinez will you marry me?" Isaac said tearing up
I looked over at all the walter's. George and Katherine were nodding yes and smiling. I looked over at my mom and tia who were doing the same
"Yes. Id love to marry you one day" I cried
He put the ring on me and hugged me
"Kiss already" Lupe and Cilla yelled
I kissed him softly as everyone cheered
The rest of the night was perfect in every way. Our family adored the ring he got me and I did too. They all kept asking to see it and I gladly showed it. Will and Haley did their performance dance and we all joined in after. At the end of the night Isa and Lee went to my house and me and Isaac had the room to ourselves.

My life with Isaac Garcia Where stories live. Discover now