Chapter 29

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I woke up in Isaac's arms and last nights events played back in my head
"Nov can I talk to you?" Isaac looked at me
I nodded at Isaac and looked at him
"The day Grace kissed me was the worst day of my life" He looked down
"You hurt me so bad that day" I said
"She told me you and Jayden had something going on that day. She called me and showed me a picture Ismael posted and you and Jayden were in the back and he was carrying you. That day I had a lot on my mind and that's why I didn't wanna come over. Alex begged me to go with him and then the kiss happened. I pushed her away as soon as it happened and then you left with Jayden and I went to your house and saw you guys kiss. Lee beat my ass that day and told me how badly I fucked up. I couldn't get over my anger and I let Grace get in my head and I shouldn't have. I'm so sorry Nova you never deserved that" He said looking at me tearing up
"She told you I was cheating on you?" I asked
"I shouldn't have listened. I let my thoughts get the best of me. I love you and I wanna see you happy. I hated that we weren't talking so I pushed my feelings aside and tried being okay with you and Jayden together. He treats you good and that's all I want for you" He said

I woke turned around and he woke up
"Don't leaveeee" He groaned
"Isaac I have to get ready and we aren't even supposed to be sleeping together" I said
"It's not in a romantic way. It's in a comfort feeling safe with you in my arms way" He smiled
"I have to go into Jackie's room" I said
"Boooo" He complained
I laughed and got out of the bed hitting him with a pillow in his head laughing
"Hey! Asshole" He laughed
I walked out the room laughing and went into Jackie's room and sat on her bed
"Morning Nov" She smiled
"I need bestie advice" I frowned
"Come and sit" She smiled
I sat down on her bed and looked down
"What's going on Nov?" She asked
"I'm happy with Jj truly but there's something I can't shake off about Isaac. I can't get over him and then I found out Grace told him I was cheating on him and then kissed him" I explained
"Seriously?" She asked
"She saw a post where Jj was carrying me and showed Isaac" I said
"That's messed up" She said
"I care about Jj but I don't think i'm in love with him. There's sometimes I wake up in his arms and wish it was Isaac and last night I slept in Isaac's room and everything felt perfect again. I hate that I feel like that cause Isaac hurt me" I said
"I know how you feel. You should go where your heart is telling you to. Jj would understand cause Isaac and you were perfect for eachother. Just give it time and then you'll know your choice" She said
"I just wish it were easy" I said
"I know babe but in the end you'll figure it out and i'll support you through it all" She hugged me
We heard a knock on the door
"Come in" Jackie said
Isaac came in the room and smiled
"Nov there's breakfast downstairs. Eat before we leave I don't want you getting sick" He looked at me
I got out Jackie's arms and left the room
"I'll be down in a bit" Jackie smiled

I finished getting ready and walked downstairs where the boys were waiting
"Woah" Isaac smiled
"You look amazing Nov" Lee said
"You look perfect" Isaac added
"Wow Nova" Nathan said
"You clean up nicely" Alex smiled
"You look beautiful" Danny said
I look over at Isaac and laughed softly
"I see we had the same color idea" I said
"The color looks great on you" he smiled
He held out his hand for me and I gladly took it. We headed into the car and drove to the Gala. When we arrived Isaac held the door opened and grabbed my hand
"You don't have to do all that" I said
"You look like a princess so i'm gonna treat you like one" he smiled
He pulled out my chair and I sat down. We ate and soon dessert came out and we started eating. Well the rest of ate it Isaac on the other hand vacuumed it like he wasn't being fed. I looked over at the empty seat on the table then at Jackie. I looked over at Isaac who was eyeballing Lees dessert and laughed to myself. I saw how everyone looked at Cole's seat. I pulled out my phone and texted him. I'm guessing Danny did the same thing cause about 5 minutes later the doors opened
"Is he okay?" I asked
He came over and grabbed the glass and brought it to the waitress serving wine
"Id love a glass of that if you wouldn't mind" He said holding out the glass
"Really cole?" I asked
"Maybe you should stick with water Cole" Alex said
"Maybe you should keep your opinions to yourself Alex" Cole replied
They stared at eachother with tension
"Maybe you should both just quietly eat your dessert" Jackie said
"For your moms sake" I added
The tension was cut by Isaac speaking
"Can I please have some?" He asked
"No" Lee replied
"Come in please? Sharing is caring" Isaac begged
"You have your own bro" Lee replied
"Let me have a little" Isaac said putting his spoon into Lees dessert
"I don't care" Lee said smacking his hand away
"You could have mine" I said
"Hey hey. Take mine. Not hungry" Cole said at the same time
Isaac happily took Cole's and started eating it. He was scarfing it down
"Jeez Isaac slow down before you choke" I whispered
The man called Mrs. Walter up and we all clapped and cheered for her and she made her speech. I stared at Cole who was downing whatever he had in his cup. After he was done he pulled out a flask
"That's enough" Will said stopping him
"Hey relax okay. It's like a party " Cole said
He poured his flask into the cup
"She sounds good up there" Cole said
"Cole pull yourself together" Will replied
Cole stood up and Jackie stopped him
"Sit down" She exclaimed
"Jackie I gotta hit the head" He said
"Cole stop" I said
"You can tell me what I missed when I get back. Unless you know you wanted to help" Cole told Jackie
"Cole come on" Will said grabbing him
"Give me a break man jeez" Cole said getting out of his grip and bumping into man in the process
The man dropped his dishes and they shattered on the floor. Everyone gasped
"Why are you walking around in the middle of her speech" Cole said
"Cole" I threatened
"She's tryna talk" Cole added
"I think i'm just gonna wrap this up but I just wanna say that i'm really honored" Katherine said on stage
"Turn around please she's still talking" Cole told the audience "That's my mom"
Will got up and Alex leaned to Jackie
"Like I said Cole's a dick" He said
"Alex seriously shut the fuck up" I said
"Go help him" Jackie said
"No" Alex said proudly
Jackie started getting up
"Jackie don't" Alex said
"Boys im gonna text you can you help me put him in the car after I talk to him" I said
"Yea sure" Lee said
"No problem" Isaac added
I walked off with Jackie up to Cole
"Outside now" Jackie told him
"No" He said
"Now Cole" I yelled
He scoffed but listened and walked out. He went to sit on the floor and Jackie tried getting him up but he turned around
"Leave me alone Jackie" He said
"I'm gonna go get some water for him" I said walking back in
I walked to the table and grabbed a water
"I can't believe she's on his side" Alex said
"Alex seriously?!" I yelled
"You too Nova. I'm your friend not him!" Alex said
"Get your fucking head out of your ass. You're to fucking stuck up to see that your brother is going through shit because of you and Jackie! For once Alex be the bigger person and help out! Jackie's just trying to help since your an asshole and wanna sit here" I yelled
I scoffed and walked back outside
"I want you to have never come here" I heard Cole say to Jackie
I walked over and saw Jackie crying then walk off. I walked over to Cole as he fell into my arms and started crying
"It's okay baby let it out" I said
"I don't wanna be here anymore" he cried
I cried hearing those words come out
Isaac and Lee helped me put him into my car and I drove him home. I took off his clothes and laid him on his bed
"Don't leave Nova" Cole said
"I'm not i'll be in Isaac's room" i replied
"I'm so sorry for putting you through this" He cried
I walked over to his bed and hugged him
"Stay please" He begged
"Just until you fall asleep" I said
He laid on me and I played with his hair as he dozed off and fell asleep

Published May 26 2024

Published May 26 2024Outfit

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