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Well, I'm back!

(I recommend reading the first book before this one)

I decided to make this one a Landon X Reader bc let's be honest there's literally none and the guy's cute (IMO) soo why not make a story about him?

I think I'll include Hope in this, though I'm not sure who she's going to end up with. Maybe I'll make a character for her. If I do, he'd probably be a close friend of Y/n and B/n's.

Anyway, so this book will be a little different. Y/n is going to be a tribrid, however, her vampire side is not going to be fully activated unless she dies. So, she'll still have features like compulsion, super speed (from her werewolf side too), etc. But she won't need to drink blood + won't get fangs unless she dies. She'll still have the features because it's in her blood and along with her witch side and other sides she'll have enough support to use them, but after she dies she won't need the other extra sides to use her vampire features... if that makes sense.

With that being said, I hope you enjoy. And warning you guys right now, if I decide to discontinue this bc I'm 'No longer obsessed' pls don't kill me 😭

One last thing, you're going to look like what you looked like in the previous book (exactly like Elena) however, you're going to have some of your features irl too, just so you don't look too much like Elena bc Elena is no longer nonexistent here and is married to Damon, Kol is married to Davina, but both will remember you if they meet you.

Picture yourself from examples like these:

Elena has dark brown eyes. If your eyes are green, picture your eyes as a brownish green.

Elena has straight brown hair, if your hair is blonde, picture it like it's brown hair with blonde textures. (Those people you picture as blonde but are actually more brunette)

Or... you can just picture it as yourself. Just giving ideas Ig, lol.

Alr, that's all. Enjoy!

Stuck In TVL (Landon Kirby X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now