Death Keeps Knocking on My Door

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Today's remembrance day, it's a day that we write letters to our dead loved ones and then scatter them to the graves. I don't exactly see a point in it, it's not like they're gonna see it... But I do it anyway because it feels nice to get my thoughts out, and also I like reading. 

So, I decided to write to a few people I've lost. Them being Stefan, I know he's dead, Jenna, Rose, Klaus, and Elijah. I knew all of them, and they all knew me. So why not write to them?

I wrote to Stefan saying how I miss him, and how he was so brave to sacrifice himself for the good of others. How I wish he was still here, but also hope he's at peace. 

Wrote to Jenna saying that, again, I miss her lots, apologizing in the name of Klaus since he killed her for his stupid sacrifice... which I am mad at him for but at the same time he didn't know I was willing for the sacrifice, and him being himself acted too soon. I'm sure if he knew he'd have chosen another person. I am mad, but I also understand. He'd waited a thousand years to break his curse. Anyway, after that, I tell her I hope she's at peace and is enjoying herself. 

For Rose, I tell her I miss her and enjoyed all the time we spent together, and I tell her that I hope she's okay on the other side. 

For Klaus and Elijah, I tell them I miss them a lot, and hope they have found peace. I tell them that Hope is doing great, and that she misses them a lot as well. I tell them to take care of themselves... if that's possible on the other side or limbo or whatever. 

After I place the letters into the bowl, I meet up with Hope and Raf as we're walking to our dorm rooms, and then a girl who looks lost and hurt walks into the school... Cassie? And oh, it's the same girl who plays Magnolia in Insatiable. 

"Cassie..?" asks Raf

The girl turns around, "Raf?"

"Cassie? Isn't that your--"

"My girlfriend," Raf says as he goes up to her and hugs her. 

"That's Cassie alright. Except it's not her... She's getting controlled by another monster, the one who can raise people from the dead. He calls himself the necromancer," I tell Hope.

"You keep an eye on Cassie, I'll deal with this necromancer," she was about to leave when I stop her, "He's in the basement with Ric." She nods and heads down. 


I was sitting with Cassie, and Raf, then Ric came over and sat next to me, "Hey, I see you've met my daughter," he says

"Daughter?" I ask him

"Everyone knows we have the relationship of a father and daughter," says Ric

"Yeah, okay, Dad," I say

"So, Cassie, is it?" asks Ric, she nods. 

"Cassie, I'm Dr. Saltzman. I am here to help you," says Ric

"I... I don't understand what's happening. Why am I here?" asks Cassie

Ric looks at Raf, who says, "I didn't know what to tell her."

"Um, well, do you mind telling me the last few things that you remember?" asks Ric

"Um... Raf and I were driving home from a track meet. The roads were bad, it was wet, and then dark, and I heard this voice telling me to open up my eyes, and then I was here," says Cassie

"Okay. Well, listen, this is gonna be really hard for you to understand, but those memories you have, those are from 2 months ago. You were in a car accident. You didn't survive. And tonight, you were resurrected from the dead," says Ric, damn... straight on. 

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