This Is The Part Where You Say Something... Or Run

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"Like how you look?" I ask Clarke, whom I had locked in the cellar, "Did a spell to alter your appearance."

"I just look like me," says Clarke

"Then I did a good job," I say

"Huh. I thought you'd rather stare at Landon's sad little face," says Clarke

"To be honest, I can't picture Landon as a complete asshole. And I'd rather not either, thank you very much," I say

"Sorry. To be honest, I'm glad you're here," says Clarke

"Hoping your intentions are wise from the goofy grin on your face," I say

"There is still time for you to come to your senses before you toss me into the pit," says Clarke

"Thing is, Clarke. I'm sorta psychic. Or well, screw it. Here," I go up to him, make some magical dust, and blow it at him, sharing the idea that I'm stuck in TVL.

"Gotta follow the plot, and the plot says... you're going to the pit," I say, "And if you're not... You're dead by midnight. Sorry not sorry, hun." With that, I leave.


When I went outside, the first thing I experienced was getting hit by a snowball. Hope walks up to me, "What the hell is going on?"

"Looks like it's snowing..." I say

Hope and I go up to Kaleb, "Kaleb, what the hell is going on?"

"Don't be a Scrooge, girls. It's Christmas," says Kaleb

"Dude... It's October," I say

"Christmas is a state of mind. It's a feeling in the air," says Kaleb

"Nuh-uh, it's the birthday of Jesus and he sure as hell wasn't born today," I say

"Just enjoy!" he says before walking away.


Hope and I head inside to see everyone partying as if it's Christmas. At last, we see Ric.

"Ric, we need your help," he comes up to us with Dorian. They're both dressed.

"Dude... Seriously?" I ask

"What are you wearing?" asks Hope

"Dorian had an extra one. Lucky me, right?" he asks

"No, Ric. We're the lucky ones," Dorian turns to everyone else, "Because Dr. Saltzman is gonna spend Christmas with us!" Everyone cheers at that. Making Ric thank them.

"Yeah, no," I say

"I'm gonna go find Lizzie," says Hope, and I tag along.


"Lizzie!" I open her door.

She looks at Hope and I from her bed, "We get it, Y/n. You're back. Now disappear again."

I sigh in relief, "You're still a bitch. Thank God."

"What?" she asks as Hope and I sit on her bed.

"Everyone thinks it's Christmas today and they're over the moon happy about it," I explain, "Not to mention it's snowing..."

"It's snowing? How?!" Lizzie gets up and looks out the window.

"Uh, another monster, I'm guessing?" says Hope

Stuck In TVL (Landon Kirby X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now