Why Do I See You Every Time I Die?

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"What's up?" I ask after Ric had texted me to meet him in his office.

"Landon left a message. Said he had something urgent to discuss. Anything you wanna share?" asks Ric

"He came with me to save Raf, couldn't hold him back. Guy's stubborn as hell," I explain, "And I also am pretty sure we've come to the part where the monsters are now after him. Malivore's looking for his host."

"And you didn't think that that's something I should know?" asks Ric

"You had a long day, Ric... You knew I'd tell you eventually," I say

"Y/n... You need to go back to the Salvatore School," says Ric

"Not sure about that," I say

"Not for your sake. For theirs. If Malivore wants Landon we need to want him more," he says

"I'd never let anything hurt him," I say, "but he's with Josie now... And I don't want to ruin that since he looks happy. Hell, I mean I do, I mean I'd absolutely love to ruin it, but I cannot bring myself to. At least, not yet."

Then someone knocks at the door, "Sorry to interrupt." It's Mac.

"It's okay. I was just leaving. See you at the pep rally," I tell Ric as I leave.

"See you there," I hear him tell me, "I hope you consider the transfer. I can put in a good word for you at the Salvatore School."


"Hey. I shouldn't have asked you to come with me. We can go,"  I hear Landon say from a distance as I'm walking in the halls of Mystic High. I then hear a low growl.

"Raf?"  I hear Landon ask, I know this scene all too well from my rewatches. I speed over there before the demon can make Raf attack Landon, "Scalare!" I trap Raf behind bars.

Landon notices my actions, "Y/n." he sounds surprised.

"Hi," I say

"How are you always in the right place at the right time?" he asks

"It's a gift," I say, we look at Raf and notice that his eyes are red, "Shit, the demon's in him..."

"What demon?" asks Landon

"I'll explain later. But first, we need to get Raf outta here," I say


I made Raf fall asleep, and then Landon and I carried him to the trunk of a car. Landon then went to grab Ric so we could explain the current situation. Raf was about to wake up when I casted a sleep spell again.

"So, what were you two doing here?" I ask Landon

"Looking for answers? And I guess... you," he says, I look at him confused, and am about to ask why when I hear a voice say "Dad?"

"Josie," says Ric, oh... great. She's gonna be pissed that I'm here.

"What the hell's going on?" asks Ric

"This is a demon hunter that Josie met, he's been trying to hunt the demon that's in Raf for a long time," I say referring to the Asian dude who just showed up with a sword.

"How did you--" starts Josie, but the Asian guy starts to speak Japanese.

"He said, 'We came to protect the bonsai-headed boy'... I think," says Josie, then she looks at me and says something in Japanese to the guy.

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