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So, Landon still hasn't said a word to me. I still haven't said a word to him. I don't even know what to say. All I wanted to do was grab a prism and hope it somehow helps...

So, that's what I did. I sat on a bench at town square and held up the prism. He appeared and smiled at me, before I could smile back, I saw Lizzie and Josie heading my way, so I put away the prism, and Landon was gone.

"Reporting for portal duty!" says Lizzie, "I brought backup," she refers to Josie.

I sadly smile at her, and she returns it with a smile that says 'I didn't wanna be here, but I don't wanna be rude'.

"So," Lizzie sits beside me and Josie sits next to her, "this is... nice right? Together again..."

"It's great," I say

"It's awesome," says Josie, she and I don't make eye contact.

"I mean, for the two of you not to be talking to each other just because you're competing for the love of the same garden gnome... I think we're more evolved than that as women," says Lizzie

"Definitely," I say

"Without a doubt," says Josie

"Good. Because, personally, I've never been better. My work paid off, my mind is sharp, all perceived mental breakdowns were a figment of my imagination fed by two manipulative vampires who will remain forever my enemies," says Lizzie

"Just so you know... MG really couldn't see him at first. But then he could, and now him being himself, he does feel bad," I say

"His name shall not be mentioned," says Lizzie. Okay, then...

"Okay... What's going on with Sebastian?" I ask

"Headmaster Downton Abbey wants us to enroll him to keep him off the streets. But after deliberately letting me think that I was unwell, I will not let that happen," says Lizzie

"I'm with Y/n on this one... You should forgive MG," says Josie

"Never..." says Lizzie

Josie looks at her, "He didn't want to hurt you."

"He hid things from me," says Lizzie, "Zero stars."

"He's not the only friend keeping secrets," says Josie

"Josie I didn't want to hurt you either. I couldn't bring myself to tell the truth, you looked happy," I say

"Yeah, well, zero stars," says Josie, bruh.

She notices me fiddling with the prism in my hands, "Is that what I think it is?"

"Yeah... Here," I hand it to her, "I'm pretty much done with it anyway."

"Thanks," she takes it.

"Look at us. Clear hearts and minds. Letting the power of our intellect rule the day over our emotions. Moving forward with dignity and grace. This is the true definition of girl power," Lizzie puts an arm around me and Josie, then brings us in for a side hug, "I'm proud of us."

"Greetings, witches..." says a guy who looks like he's from Ancient Egypt.

"Oh... It's that fortune teller guy," I say

Lizzie ignores me and we all stand up, "Who the hell are you?"

"An answer for an answer," says the guy, then goes on with his riddles, "There are two sisters, one gives birth to the other. And the other, in turn,  gives birth to the first. Who are they?"

"Night and day," says Josie, "The sisters are Night and Day."

"Ah... Your reward for answering correctly is to know that you are in the presence of the master of the ancient lands. The all-holy, ever-divine sphinx," he says, as if he's a god. But all we do is sigh.

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