You Ever Heard Of The Legend Of The Phoenix?

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"Hey, have you seen Landon? Can't find him. Thought he'd be with Raf but, uh... Guessing he isn't here either?" I ask

"Yeah, no. Raf's not here," he says

"Where is he..?" I ask

"Shouldn't you know?" he asks

"For the last time, people forget," I say

"Well, we don't know. The supervisors said he didn't check-in. And now MG's missing, too," says Ric

"During a full moon? We're in deep shit," I say, then we hear howling.

"Oh, jeez," I say


I tried a locator spell, but it didn't work in terms of finding them. So, Hope, Ric, and I went out into the woods in search of the 3 missing boys. 

"Why didn't the locator spell work?" asks Hope

"No clue. So, either they're cloaked, or they're dead... Fun fact, not dead," I say

"What would possess them to leave campus? Why would they be so irresponsible?" asks Ric, carrying his flashlight.

"They wouldn't. Something must have happened," says Hope

"Post Tenebras Spero Lucem," I cast, making more light.

"Thanks," says Ric, putting away his flashlight. Then with the extra light support, we find Raf. 

"Guys," says Ric, I bend down by Raf, "Hey, hey, Raf, what happened?"

"Are you okay?!" asks Hope, also bending down.

"MG... Landon..." starts Raf

"What's going on? Where are they?" I ask

"I can't remember," says Raf, so we help him up and bring him back to the school.


"Lunar psychosis?" asks Ric

"That's a thing?" asks Hope

"Quit talking," says Raf, making us go silent, "Making noise." Then he gets up and was about to do something violent when Emma casts "Tardus Pulsatio," making Raf's heartbeat slow down, and him calm down in the process.

"It's a thing," says Emma

"What did you to do him?" asks Hope

"Slow his heartbeat," I say

"Yes. It will calm him," says Emma

"What's happening to me?" asks Raf, "I keep... losing time."

"As I said, lunar psychosis. Which means that your mind is in flux, trapped between your wolf and human states, making it harder to bridge the gap and access your memories like you normally would. It's very rare. It only happens after a premature reversion," explains Emma

"So, something caused your body to shift back before the full moon was over, leaving you like this," says Hope

"Wh-What kind of something?" asks Raf

"Usually trauma. Something bad happened," says Hope

"We don't know that," says Emma

"Yeah, we do," I say, Emma turns to me, "And how would we?"

I wave my hand and share her the idea that I've shared with everyone else in order to make them understand I'm stuck in TVL. 

"Just believe her, we don't have time for proof," says Ric

Stuck In TVL (Landon Kirby X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now