Too Bad You're So Clumsy

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I watched a little bit of the episode I'm about to be in, which thanks to B/n, I found out that it was the last episode of the season. I watched all the scenes Hope is in, since technically I'm usually the only one in the scene or am in the scene with her. And this bitch is about to take a little trip to Malivore.

However, when Me, Raf (he isn't coming but wanted to walk me out), the twins, Kaleb, Jed, MG, and basically the whole Squad went outside, we were met with a couple of people from Triad Industries.

"Oh, sorry. We were out to knock," says the guy

"And who are you?" I ask

"Name's Burr," says... Burr

"Weird ass name, no offense," I say

"I'm from Traid Industries," he says

"Oh, great," I say

"Propellere!" chants Hope, but it does nothing. 

"I got this," Kaleb lowers his bag, and is about to speed up to the men, but gets burned by the sunlight, causing him to back up.

"What you don't got is magic. Which is why your daylight ring won't work. And what we have are stakes, wolfsbane, and other things. So, I think you should invite us inside," says Burr

Now, I wanna beat this bitch to death, as cringe as that sounds. I know I'm not only a tribrid, I'm a triplus, which means I can change my species. But I'm guessing my other sides are a little weak due to the lack of practice I've had on them. I decide to activate my siren side.

"Guessing you don't have anything against hypnosis or mind control?" I ask

"Not technically, but what are you  gonna do?" he teases

I start to focus on my siren side and give out a little hum, making them feel a headache.

"Jesus, what are you?!" one of them screams.

"I'm a lot of things, and right now, I'm using my siren strength," I say

'You still have to let them do their thing since it's in the plot'

'Ugh, I guess you're right.'

So, I hum a little melody, simply blocking them from harming anyone that attends the school, "Do come in."


We're looking for an artifact known as the Chalice of Arimathea. We have reasons to believe it's part of your school's collection. Now, you know this place a lot better than we do, so, the sooner you help us find it, the sooner we'll be gone. Triad thanks you for your time," says Burr

I enter Ric's office with Hope and the twins, needing to give Ric a call.

"Hey, didn't this shelf used to have books on it?" asks Hope

"Oh, right. A cloaking spell probably got lifted with magic being MIA," I say

Hope takes the box and places it on Ric's desk.

"Big shocker. Dad's hiding something from us," says Lizzie, picking the box up and shaking it.

"Unless it has the school phone in it, it doesn't matter," says Hope

As Hope and I are looking for a phone, the twins start to argue. Jeez, not the time. 

"Hey, guys, found it," says Hope

"Great, now we call Ric," I say, then Hope calls him:

"It's Hope, triad's here... Yeah, but our powers are gone... They said that the third artifact is in the school somewhere... The Chalice of Arithmetic, or something? I don't know, any idea?... We're not the only ones in danger, Landon is, too, and we all know Y/n is too stubborn to just sit here and do nothing... Yeah," says Hope

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