Starting To Think You're Not Some Ordinary Girl

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"Yeah, sorry, I... I haven't seen him. Like I said, I'm pretty new here," Ric tells Mac, Ethan and Maya's mom, and also a cop.

"Well, his teammates last saw him at the Old Mill, by the Salvatore School. We found his truck abandoned, and his hunting rifle nearby," says Mac

"Okay. Well, I will check with his classmates and his teachers. I wish I could be more helpful, but like I said, I'm still getting to know the students... And the sheriff," says Ric, Mac nods.

"I was friends with the old one. Please, no more stories about how great Sheriff Donovan was. His shoes are already big enough. And this is my first real case since I moved from the city. Truthfully, I didn't mind that my biggest concern up to this point was a rash of missing dogs. Maybe they're connected," says Mac

"Maybe," Ric chuckles

"I'll leave you my phone number," Mac smiles, "Call me anytime." Then she gets out.

"Did you get all that?" Ric asks once Mac leaves.

"With the help of a spell, yeah," I say as I turn visible again, "And she's soo into you."

Ric laughs, "What? No. No, she's just new to town, trying to make friends."

"Right... I should go back to monster hunting," I say

"Well, it sounds like there could be another monster lurking around the Salvatore School. So, I'll check in with Dorian since he has access to research we don't," says Ric, "Any other ideas?"

"One. But it's gonna be annoying the both of us," I say


So, Mystic Falls is supposed to play against the Salvatore School today, and I decided, why not join the team? I'll be against Hope, but it'll be for a good reason. For monster hunting. 

A ball broke our bus window before we got out. But, eh, whatevs. I came out after Ethan, Ric was behind me with a clipboard. Guess he's coaching. Landon and I make eye contact for a good 3 seconds. For the record, the jersey doesn't look bad on him.

"Let's just get this over with," I say, trying not to make eye contact with Landon.

"Works for me. I'm no more comfortable being here than you are," says Ric

"Just so you know, Vardemus is a fake," I say, then go and take my place in the field.

"Wait what? What do you me--" starts Ric

"Ric!" calls a voice, it's Dorian, I just keep walking along as they talk. 

Maya was on my right, Landon was right in front of me, Josie was next to him, and next to Josie was Hope. 

"Let us begin our annual rite of American excess. But unlike last year, I expect no unseemly violence, only for each team to play to the fullest extent of their abilities. Understood?" asks Vardemus, "Timberwolves of Mystic Falls, you may, as I believe they say, call it in the air."

"Heads," I say

"Tails never fails," says Landon, right. It's a fake.

"We'll take the ball," says Josie

"So it begins," says Vardemus, "Uh, shake hands."

Everyone shakes hands with the person in front of them, including me and Landon. We stare at each other for a bit, then he lets go before it feels weird. 

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